3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209.maxg.org 8/28/2024 Full 200,000,000 digits of PI.
arxiv.org/archive/astro-ph 9/1/2024
Astrophysics. arXiv is a curated research-sharing platform open to
aseva.es 8/29/2024 Asociación
Española del Vacío y sus Aplicaciones. ASEVA is a dynamic member of the IUVSTA,
committed to promoting advancing vacuum science and technology in Spain.
aura.gsfc.nasa.gov 8/29/2024 Aura
Atmospheric Chemistry. Aura obtains measurements of ozone, aerosols and key
gases throughout the atmosphere using technologically innovative space
aurorawatch.lancs.ac.uk 8/28/2024 AuroraWatch
UK. See the aurora borealis from the UK.
benthamscience.com/journals/current-topics-in-medicinal-chemistry 8/28/2024 Current
Topics in Medicinal Chemistry.
benthamscience.com/journals/mini-reviews-in-medicinal-chemistry 8/28/2024 Mini-Reviews
in Medicinal Chemistry.
books.google.es/books?id=WhEAAAAAQAAJ 8/28/2024 A
Dictionary of Chemistry: Containing the Theory and Practice of that Science:
Its Application to Natural Philosophy, Natural History, Medicine, and Animal
Economy, Volumen 3.
chem-bla-ics.linkedchemistry.info 8/28/2024 Chemblaics
(pronounced chem-bla-ics) is the science that uses computers to solve problems
in chemistry, biochemistry and related fields.
chemdb.niaid.nih.gov 8/28/2024 ChemDB
HIV, Opportunistic Infection and Tuberculosis Therapeutics Database.
chemical-quantum-images.blogspot.com 8/28/2024 Chemical
Quantum Images. Molecular Graphics and Theoretical Chemistry.
chemistry.berkeley.edu 8/28/2024 College
of Chemistry. Berkeley Chemistry. Advancing society through education and
coffeeshopphysics.com 8/29/2024 Coffeeshop
Physics. Jim Pivarski. A collection of informal articles about physics.
9/3/2024 Cuaderno de Cultura
Científica. Cátedra de Cultura Científica de la UPV/EHU.
directory.web.cern.ch 8/29/2024 The
CERN Directory. Search for what you need, or browse CERN websites. Looking for
the Scientists or CERN Community sections, or just curious about CERN?
dmi.uib.cat 8/29/2024 Departament
de Ciències Matemàtiques i Informàtica. Universitat de les Illes Balears.
dornsife.usc.edu/physics 8/28/2024 Department
of Physics and Astronomy. Our mission is to conduct outstanding research and
teaching in physics and astronomy.
ethnobiology.org 8/31/2024
Society of Ethnobiology. Our interests encompass ethnobotany,
ethnozoology, linguistics, paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeology, ethnoecology, and
other related areas in anthropology and biology.
faculty.evansville.edu/ck6 8/31/2024
Clark Kimberling. Professor of Mathematics, University of Evansville.
grail.cba.csuohio.edu/~somos/home.html 8/31/2024
Michael Somos. I am Michael Somos and I am interested in information,
especially about mathematics, and computing.
h2g2.com 8/31/2024
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Earth Edition.
home.web.cern.ch 8/31/2024
Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire, CERN. Nous sondons la
structure fondamentale de la matière qui compose tout ce qui nous entoure. Pour
ce faire, nous utilisons les instruments scientifiques les plus grands et les
plus complexes du monde.
hypertextbook.com 8/31/2024
The Physics Hypertextbook is a reaction to three big problems with
textbooks: lack of writer's voice, layouts that reduce readability, and
outdated economics.
iapso-ocean.org 9/1/2024
International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans. IAPSO
promotes the study of the oceans and its interactions at the sea floor,
coastal, and atmospheric boundaries using mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
iase-web.org 9/1/2024
The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) functions
as the international umbrella organization for statistics education.
inid.umh.es 8/31/2024
nstituto de Investigación de Drogodependencias (INID). Universidad
Miguel Hernández - Campus de Sant Joan.
logik.mathematik.uni-freiburg.de 8/31/2024
Abteilung für Mathematische Logik. Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg.
9/3/2024 Mapping Ignorance. Our
goal is very simple: to spread both the latest developments in science and
technology and a scientific worldview facilitating the access to it.
9/3/2024 Naukas. Ciencia,
escepticismo y humor.
oeis.org 8/31/2024
The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS).
statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu 8/28/2024 Statistical
Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science.
www.lbl.gov 9/1/2024
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is advancing the scope of human
knowledge & seeking science solutions to the greatest problems facing
www.math.ovgu.de 8/31/2024
Fakultät für Mathematik. Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg.
www.mathworks.com 8/31/2024
MathWorks develops, sells, and supports MATLAB and Simulink products.
9/3/2024 Nature is a weekly
international journal. Nature provides rapid, authoritative, insightful and
arresting news and interpretation of topical and coming trends affecting
science, scientists and the wider public.
9/3/2024 Popular Science.
Science and Technology Stories Since 1872. Awe-inspiring science reporting,
technology news, and DIY projects. Skunks to space robots, primates to climates.
That’s Popular Science, 152 years strong.
9/3/2024 ScienceAlert : The Best
in Science News And Amazing Breakthroughs. Publishing independent, fact-checked
reporting on health, space, nature, technology, and the environment.
www.thoughtco.com/chemistry-4133594 8/28/2024 Chemistry.
Learn about chemical reactions, elements, and the periodic table with these
resources for students and teachers.