facom.ufba.br/portal 6/25/2024
FACOM. A Faculdade de Comunicação da Universidade Federal da Bahia
(FACOM) é uma instituição pública de ensino superior, referência nacional na
formação de profissionais e pesquisadores na área de Comunicação.
facsimile-editions.com 5/29/2024
facsnet.org 5/29/2024
facso.uchile.cl 5/29/2024
facstaff.provost.wisc.edu 5/29/2024
fact.org 5/29/2024
faculty.evansville.edu/ck6 8/31/2024
Clark Kimberling. Professor of Mathematics, University of Evansville.
fairfutures.com 8/18/2024
5/30/2024 Fairview Free Public
Library. Fairview, New Jersey.
9/8/2024 Fair World Project :
Keeping Fair Trade Real. Advocating fair trade for small-scale producers and
labor justice for workers around the world.
famgus.se/Postcards/Aviation/FAPC.html 5/31/2024 Famgus Aviation Postcards: Aviation Postcard
fanch-bd.com 6/30/2024
BD Contes et Illustrations de Fanch. Le site du dessinateur breton
FANCH. Des illustrations pour enfants aux Bandes dessinées les plus sombre,
découvrez toute la palette de son univers.
fannyrush.com 6/30/2024
Fanny Rush is one of Britain’s leading painters, known for her
portraits. Based in London she works internationally.
8/21/2024 Federation of American
faulkner.lib.virginia.edu 8/21/2024
Faulkner at Virginia. Here you can listen in on William Faulkner’s
sessions with audiences at the University of Virginia in 1957 and 1958, during
his two terms as UVA’s first Writer-in-Residence. Author Stephen Railton.
fcampalans.cat 6/28/2024
La Fundació Rafael Campalans és una entitat sense ànim de lucre que es
constitueix el 1979 que, a través de la recerca i l'anàlisi, té com a objectiu
principal la difusió del pensament socialista democràtic.
5/30/2024 FCIT. The Florida
Center for Instructional Technology provides professional learning, digital
content, and technology integration evaluation services to schools and
districts worldwide.
fdlp.gov 5/4/2024
feral.audiolinux.com 6/2/2024
fermi.gsfc.nasa.gov 8/12/2024
The Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope. With Fermi, astronomers at long
last have a superior tool to study how black holes, notorious for pulling
matter in, can accelerate jets of gas outward at fantastic speeds.
festivos.net 7/6/2024
ff.hrw.org 9/3/2024
Human Rights Watch Film Festival. HRWFF makes effort to celebrate
diversity of content and perspective in the films we select and post-screening
conversations we host.
ffc.fr 7/9/2024
fffcarbon.co.za 7/9/2024
fffotos.de 7/9/2024
files.ncas.org/condon/text/contents.htm 8/20/2024
8/21/2024 Film Threat Your
Independent Movie Guide. Film Threat’s mission is to champion up and coming
indie filmmakers while speaking truth to the entertainment industry.
filosofiaenlared.com 5/7/2024
finwakeatx.blogspot.com 5/1/2024
Finnegans, Wake! A blog devoted to Finnegans Wake (1939) containing
interpretations, reflections, relevant links, and other information concerning
James Joyce's greatest but least-read masterpiece.
fisica-astronomia.unibo.it 8/18/2024
floatingworldrecords.co.uk 8/30/2024
Floating World Records is an independent record label based in North
London. We specialise in re-issues of classic albums, as well as new releases
for established artists.
fondazioneartecrt.it 9/3/2024
fondazionebaruchello.com 9/3/2024
fondazionecrfirenze.it 9/3/2024
fondazionecsfg.com 9/4/2024
fondazionegramsci.org 9/4/2024
fondazionememmo.it 9/4/2024
fondazionepastore.it 04/09/2024
9/8/2024 detikFood. Informasi
dan berita seputar kuliner, resep, review tempat makan, makanan anak &
makanan sehat.
9/8/2024 Food Channel. We bring
40 years of culinary experience to deliver original recipes, videos and the
latest in food trends and news.
9/8/2024 Foodista. Recipes,
Cooking Tips, and Food News.
9/8/2024 Food With A Meaning.
Receitas com Significado.
foreignpolicy.com 5/7/2024
fortnightlyreview.co.uk 8/21/2024
The Fortnightly Review. The stroke of an oar given in true time.
forvo.com 5/1/2024
Forvo: the pronunciation dictionary. The largest pronunciation
dictionary in the world. All the words in all the languages pronounced by
native speakers.
frac.org 4/27/2024
Food Research & Action Center. FRAC improves the nutrition, health,
and well-being of people struggling against poverty-related hunger in the
United States through advocacy, partnerships, and by advancing bold and
equitable policy solutions.
francecrashes39-45.net 5/31/2024 Crashes avions 39-45. Ce site est avant tout
un inventaire des crashs en combat et des accidents aériens, français et
alliés, pour la période 39-45, et ce pour la France Métropolitaine, la Corse;
l'Algérie et leurs eaux territoriales.
freezone.org/index.html 7/7/2024
ftna.org.uk 5/28/2024
The Friends of The National Archives. We support The National Archives
to look after more than 11 million documents of national, cultural, academic
and historical importance. We also help create a greater public awareness of
these documents.
8/24/2024 Fundació Congrés de
Cultura Catalana. Pensar la cultura i la democràcia des de la societat civil.
8/21/2024 La Fundació J.V. Foix
és una fundació privada constituïda l’any 1991. Té la qualificació de benèfica
de tipus cultural i s’acull a la Llei de Fundacions vigent a Catalunya.
fundacion.arquia.com 8/2/2024
Fundación Arquia destaca por su continua labor y preocupación constante
en la difusión de la cultura arquitectónica con el objetivo de mejorar la
imagen del arquitecto y su obra en la sociedad.
fundacioncorripio.org.do 5/2/2024
La Fundación Corripio fue establecida en octubre de 1986, presidida por
don Manuel Corripio García, patriarca de este grupo de empresarios consagrados
al trabajo en múltiples facetas de la actividad productiva y el desarrollo de
la nación.
fundacionfil.org 5/7/2024
fungarium.inhs.illinois.edu 9/7/2024
Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS) Fungarium. Illinois Natural
History Survey. Prairie Research Institute.