jaato.com/start 10/24/2024 JAA Training Organisation (JAA TO) is the
European Training Centre of Excellence (TCE) recognised by the International
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) facilitating aviation-related knowledge
solutions and training consultancy.
jakobhjensen.com 1/17/2025 Jakob Hjort Jensen has been working in the
animation industry for over 20 years for DreamWorks Animation, Walt Disney
Animation and Imagi Animation where he acted as the Animation Director on the
theatrical release “Astro Boy.”
jamanetwork.com 2/14/2025 JAMA Network. JAMA and the Specialty
Journals of the American Medical Association. Stay up to date, maintain your
CME with the latest research, author interviews, apps, and learning courses
from JAMA and the Specialty Journals.
janegoodall.es 9/4/2024 Instituto Jane Goodall en España. IJG.
janegoodall.org 2/9/2025 Jane Goodall Institute.
jangawolof.org 9/5/2024 Janga Wolof. The Wolof language, native to
Senegal, The Gambia, and Mauritania, stands as a testament to the rich cultural
and linguistic tapestry of West Africa.
januarymagazine.com 8/3/2024 January Magazine. Book, Authors,
Entertainment, More. January Magazine has been publishing continuously since
japanese.cri.cn 1/8/2025
jaxnavalmuseum.org 1/14/2025
jazzdiscography.com 12/19/2024
JazzDiscography. Promoting Discography Created Using BRIAN.
jbaccon.zenfolio.com 10/24/2024
Jimmie Baccon Photography. This is a mostly aircraft related web site,
with some odds and ends mixed in.
jboyd.net/birds.html 11/15/2024
Bird Photos. The birds are listed by family, in TiF order. The photos
range from high-quality to pictures where the bird is merely identifiable.
jedalexander.com 7/2/2024 Jed Alexander. I'm an author and illustrator
who lives in Davis California with my wife Regina, my best friend and favorite
person in the world.
jewishamericanheritage.org 5/6/2024
Jewish American Heritage Month.
jewishstudies.indiana.edu/index.html 6/1/2024
jewssansfrontieres.blogspot.com 9/2/2024 Jews sans frontieres. The Anti-Zionist blog
of Mark Elf - browsing the media and posting as Levi9909.
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John Grisham, #1 bestselling author and master of the legal thriller,
takes us back to paradise.
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Joaquín Carbonell. Canta y escribe.
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Clive Staples Lewis by Joel Heck.
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John Moreland, singer-songwriter from Tulsa, OK. John Moreland is known
for writing lines that hit you in the gut, but many of the best moments on
Visitor are more subtle.
johnnybacardi.blogspot.com 7/3/2024 The Johnny Bacardi Show.
johnpaulleon.com/home.htm 7/3/2024 John Paul Leon. Best known for his
critically acclaimed work that envisioned and redefined the entire Marvel
Comics universe in the maxi-series Earth X, John Paul Leon's bold and dramatic
work has influenced many of today's young talents.
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johntownsend.co.uk 2/5/2025
johntreed.com 2/14/2025 John T. Reed. I write how-to books about
real estate investment, football and baseball coaching, self-publishing,
succeeding, spotting dishonest arguments, inflation and a novel: The Unelected
johnvanderslice.com 2/5/2025
johnwilliamcarlson.com 2/5/2025
johschool.com 2/13/2025
jonathanqueen.com 7/3/2024 Jonathan Queen. Fine Art Painter &
jonjayray.com/index.html 1/28/2025
jordilafebre.format.com 7/3/2024
Jordi Lafebre. I love to tell stories; I do mostly Graphic Novels and
Character Design for Animation. I'm from Barcelona, working as a freelance
since 1998.
jordi-masdeu.com 1/9/2025
jordivalbuena.blogspot.com 7/3/2024
Jordi Valbuena Storyboard Artist. Storyboards, Character Design, BG
Artwork, Graphic development, Comic Strip, Illustration.
jornal.usp.br 1/16/2025 Jornal da USP. Universidade de São Paulo.
josepmfericgla.org/fundacio-jmf 7/23/2024
Fundació Josep Mª Fericgla. Está orientada al estudio, difusión y
aplicación de la capacidad que nos hace propiamente humanos: la consciencia y
los estados expandidos de la consciencia.
joshsawyer.com 7/15/2024 Josh Sawyer is a professional photographer,
videographer, and commercial drone operator with nearly 20 years of experience
crafting compelling visual experiences for industry-leading brands.
journal.fi/entomolfennica 9/16/2024
Entomologica Fennica.As of 1 January 2020, papers falling within the
scope of Entomologica Fennica should be submitted to Annales Zoologici Fennici.
journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk 9/15/2024
The Science Museum Group Journal presents the global research community
with peer-reviewed papers relevant to the work of science museums everywhere.
journals.ametsoc.org 2/14/2025
AmetSoc. American Meteorological Society. The AMS is a global community
committed to advancing weather, water, and climate science and service.
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Sabinet African Journals encompasses the breadth and depth of African
research content by offering the most comprehensive, searchable collection of
full-text African electronic journals available on one platform.
journals.lwbooks.co.uk/soundings 2/14/2025 Soundings. A journal of politics and culture.
Soundings offers committed, informed and thoughtful writing on a wide range of
contemporary political and cultural debates.
journals.lww.com/theneurologist/pages/default.aspx 1/5/2025
journals.openedition.org 12/23/2024
OpenEdition Journals est une plateforme de revues en sciences humaines
et sociales.
journals.openedition.org/aaa 01/01/2024
Afrique : Archéologie & Arts. Elle rend compte de la diversité des
cultures anciennes du continent en s’appuyant sur des disciplines connexes,
privilégiant, pour l’étude des productions artistiques, les méthodes de
l’histoire de l’art.
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Aldébaran. Lire et repérer les sciences humaines sur Internet.
journals.openedition.org/assr 9/18/2024
journals.openedition.org/lhomme 29/06/2024
L’Homme. Revue française d’anthropologie. Revue interdisciplinaire
dédiée à la recherche anthropologique. A multidisciplinary journal of
journals.openedition.org/medievales 2/14/2025 Médiévales. Langues, Textes, Histoire.
journals.openedition.org/nuevomundo 12/19/2024
journals.openedition.org/rccs 1/20/2025
journals.openedition.org/rh19 5/27/2024
La Revue d’histoire du XIXe siècle — anciennement 1848. Révolutions et
mutations au XIXe siècle — est l'organe de la Société d'histoire de la
révolution de 1848 et des révolutions du XIXe siècle.
journals.plos.org/plosone 1/3/2025
journals.sagepub.com 1/14/2025
journals.sagepub.com/home/asj 6/29/2024
Acta Sociologica welcomes high-quality theoretical and empirical papers
in all areas of sociology, in the form of full-length original articles, as
well as book reviews and comments to previously published articles.
journals.univie.ac.at/index.php/mp 2/14/2025 Medienimpulse. Beiträge zur Medienpädagogik.
juanrevenga.com 10/3/2024 El nutricionista de la General. Juan
juliobasulto.com 10/3/2024 Julio Basulto. Dietista & Nutricionista.
Por qué las dietas «milagrosas» no funcionan o cómo aprender a comer
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Julius P Williams. Conductor, Composer, Musician.
juststrings.com 12/19/2024 JustStrings: Buy Guitar Strings, Bass
Strings & More Online!
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