i2cat.net 6/28/2024
i2CAT Foundation is a non-profit research and innovation centre that
promotes mission oriented R&D activities on advanced Internet
architectures, applications and services.
i2s-research.ku.edu 1/21/2025
iachec.org 8/11/2024
iacobus.usc.gal 8/10/2024
iado.conicet.gov.ar 2/8/2025
Instituto Argentino de Oceanografia.
iafrica.com 11/21/2024
iAfrica. Offering a diverse array of news, sports, and business content,
iAfrica captivates both domestic and international audiences with its enduring
presence in the digital landscape.
iai.tv 1/19/2025
ialp.fcaglp.unlp.edu.ar 2/8/2025
Instituto de Astrofísica de La Plata.
iambaker.net 9/8/2024
I am a baker, you are a baker, and together, we can bake something
iamhomesteader.com 9/8/2024
i am Homesteader. Thousands of recipes that are influenced by midwestern
ianigla.conicet.gov.ar 2/8/2025
Instituto Argentino de Nivología, Glaciología y Ciencias Ambientales.
iapso-ocean.org 9/1/2024
International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans. IAPSO
promotes the study of the oceans and its interactions at the sea floor,
coastal, and atmospheric boundaries using mathematics, physics, and chemistry.
iase-web.org 9/1/2024
The International Association for Statistical Education (IASE) functions
as the international umbrella organization for statistics education.
ibm1130.org 10/4/2024
The IBM 1130 Computing System was introduced in 1965. It was IBM's
least-expensive computer to date, and was aimed at price-sensitive,
computing-intensive technical markets like education and engineering.
ibm-1401.info 10/3/2024
The IBM 1401 Demo Lab and Restoration Project. Computer History Museum.
icar.ugr.es 1/6/2025
icec.gencat.cat/ca/inici 7/31/2024
Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals. Generalitat de Catalunya.
icom.museum 10/4/2024
International Council of Museums. A global organisation of museums &
museum professionals committed to the promotion and protection of cultural
icom-oesterreich.at 7/20/2024
ICOM Österreich, das Österreichische Nationalkomitee des International
Council of Museums (ICOM), ist die größte heimische Organisation der Museen und
ics.hutton.ac.uk 1/27/2025
ics.uci.edu 7/13/2024
idaho.gov 1/2/2025
idea.engr.uky.edu 8/5/2024
Institute for Decarbonization and Energy Advancement. University of
ideas.repec.org 1/7/2025
IDEAS is the largest bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and
available freely on the Internet. Based on RePEc, it indexes over 4,800,000
items of research, including over 4,400,000 that can be downloaded in full
idece.cat 6/28/2024
Institut per al Desenvolupament de les Comarques de l'Ebre (IDECE).
Generalitat de Catalunya.
idrc-crdi.ca 9/21/2024
IDRC. International Development Research Centre. As part of Canada’s
foreign affairs and development efforts, IDRC champions and funds research and
innovation within and alongside developing regions to drive global change.
ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp 8/14/2024
iei.uv.es 9/15/2024
Instituto de Economía Internacional. IEI UV. Los ámbitos de actuación
del IEI en su sede de Valencia son, en sentido amplio, el Análisis de la
Economía y el Análisis de la realidad empresarial.
iep.utm.edu 12/26/2024 Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. An
encyclopedia of philosophy articles written by professional philosophers.
iesfernandodelosrios.com 7/9/2024
ifa.roe.ac.uk 1/4/2025
if-maroc.org 8/16/2024
L’Institut français du Maroc est un espace de dialogue unique entre la
France et le Maroc dans les domaines de la culture et du savoir.
ifv-vogelwarte.de/institut 6/9/2024
ig.utexas.edu/tsgc 11/10/2024
The Texas Space Grant Consortium is a group of 65 institutions which
include universities, industrial organizations, non-profit organizations, and
government agencies within Texas.
ignitecopilot.ai 2/1/2025
ih.csic.es 1/1/2025
El Instituto de Historia tiene como objetivo promover investigaciones
sobre el pasado, remoto o próximo, para conocer y comprender las dinámicas del
cambio y las interacciones de las sociedades humanas a lo largo del tiempo.
ihr.org 9/14/2024
The Institute for Historical Review is an independent educational center
and publisher that works to promote peace, understanding and justice through
greater public awareness of the past, and especially socially-politically
relevant aspects of modern history.
ihrim.ens-lyon.fr 7/28/2024 L’IHRIM (Institut d’Histoire des
Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités) est une UMR transséculaire et
iicl.law.pace.edu 10/11/2024
.Institute of International Commercial Law.
iig.bme.hu 1/29/2025
Budapesti Műszaki És Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem. Kancellária.
Informatikai Igazgatóság.
iim.umich.mx 5/18/2024
ijponline.biomedcentral.com 8/21/2024
Italian Journal of Pediatrics.
ilcml.com 12/23/2024
ILCML. Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa.
ilcs.sas.ac.uk 9/2/2024
Institute of Languages, Cultures & Societies. School of Advanced
Study University of London. ILCS supports research in the integrated study of
languages, cultures, and societies.
ilcs.sas.ac.uk/library 9/2/2024
Library. Institute of Languages, Cultures &
ilg.usc.es 2/8/2025 Instituto da Lingua Galega.
illinoismyco.org 9/7/2024
The Illinois Mycological Association is a group of fungal enthusiasts
that meets frequently to learn about fungi through talks presented by experts,
and to look for, identify and document wild fungi.
ils.utexas.edu 1/27/2025
imagecomics.com 6/30/2024
Image is a comics and graphic novels publisher formed in 1992 by 7 of
the comics industry’s best-selling artists, and is the 3rd largest comics
publisher in the United States.
imslp.org/wiki/Main_Page 2/8/2025 International Music Score Library Project. Petrucci
Music Library.
incs.ub.rub.de 2/7/2025
Der Internationale Newsletter der Kommunismusforschung.
independent.academia.edu/AchillArchaeologicalFieldSchool 12/19/2024
independent.typepad.com 5/7/2024
indianastate.edu 10/12/2024
infidels.org 7/7/2024
informatica.usach.cl 6/25/2024
Departamento de Ingeniería Informática. Universidad de Santiago de
infoscaetla.over-blog.com 5/3/2024
Le blog de çà et là. Informations sur les bandes dessinées publiées par
les Éditions çà et là.
inid.umh.es 8/31/2024
nstituto de Investigación de Drogodependencias (INID). Universidad
Miguel Hernández - Campus de Sant Joan.
insolite-comics.com 6/13/2024
Stéphane De Caneva- Bidouilleur de bandes dessinées et d'illustrations.
institutomillenium.org.br 5/7/2024
intarch.ac.uk 8/21/2024
Internet Archaeology. The digital journal for archaeology. Peer reviewed
research. Independent. Non-profit. Global. Open. Free.
intef.es 9/10/2024
Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación del
Profesorado (INTEF).
intelltheory.com/intelli 2/8/2025 Human
Intelligence: Historical Influences, Current Controversies, Teaching Resources.
interativafm.net 1/2/2025
interaulas.org 1/2/2025
interaviation.eu 1/2/2025
intereconomia.com 9/15/2024
Actualidad Económica y Negocios. Radio Intereconomía es el diario
digital de noticias de economía sobre empresas del Ibex 35, finanzas, mercados,
criptomonedas y actualidad.
internetshakespeare.uvic.ca 5/2/2024
Internet Shakespeare Editions. Our aim is to inspire a love of
Shakespeare's works by delivering open-access, peer-reviewed Shakespeare
resources with the highest standards of scholarship, design, and usability.
intervalesbirding.blogspot.com 9/17/2024
Intervales State Park. Brazil. One of the most productive birding site
in Atlantic Rain Forest.
intima.info 6/30/2024
Intima. Igor Štromajer.
intl.dpm.org.cn/index.html 10/4/2024
The Palace Museum. The Forbidden City, the center of imperial governance
and family life, consists of various structures that were designed for specific
inventio-duo.jimdoweb.com 10/2/2024
Inventio. “Inventio” is a collection of musical gems, composed and
arranged by the duo of Jean-Louis Matinier & Marco Ambrosini.
investigacion.uam.mx 10/24/2024
iog.fsu.edu 5/30/2024
The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government was created by the
Florida Legislature in 1981. Our Institute connects its 30+ years’ experience
and university, public and private sector expertise to state and local
government needs.
iopscience.iop.org 1/19/2025
IOPscience, the home of scientific content from IOP Publishing and our
iopscience.iop.org/journal/0004-637X 8/21/2024
The Astrophysical Journal.
iopscience.iop.org/journal/0036-021X 8/21/2024
Russian Chemical Reviews.
iopscience.iop.org/journal/1063-7869 8/21/2024
iowasquaredance.net 5/29/2024
Iowa State Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs.
i-pa.org 1/5/2025
ipcm.wisc.edu 5/29/2024
Integrated Pest and Crop Management. News and Resources for Wisconsin
Agriculture from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
ippl.org 2/9/2025 International Primate Protection League.
iprescue.org 8/16/2024
International Primate Rescue. Volunteer abroad with primates. Our
mission at International Primate Rescue is to relieve the suffering of unwanted
primates and to provide the best possible standard of care at our sanctuary.
ips-dc.org 9/3/2024
Institute for Policy Studies. IPS is a progressive organization
dedicated to building a more equitable, ecologically sustainable, and peaceful
ipvm.com 1/19/2025
iqc.org.br 2/8/2025 Instituto Questão De Ciência.
iqs.edu 7/20/2024
IQS, centre de referència en ciència i management. IQS és membre
fundador de la Universitat Ramon Llull i està configurat per dues facultats
universitàries: IQS School of Engineering i IQS School of Management.
iram-institute.org 9/19/2024
The Institut de radioastronomie millimétrique (IRAM) is an international
research institute and the first European center for millimetre-wave radio
irishartsfoundation.org 5/29/2024
Irish Arts Foundation.
irishmemorial.org 4/27/2024
The Philadelphia Irish Memorial is dedicated to teaching visitors about
the Irish Famine in the 19th Century Ireland and being a monument to
contemplate this tragedy and its impact on the Philadelphia region.
isc.idaho.gov 1/2/2025
isc.sans.edu 10/4/2024
SANS Internet Storm Center. Part of the SANS Technology Institute, the
Internet Storm Center (ISC) stands as a beacon of vigilance and resilience in
the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity.
isi.org 5/7/2024
iskrywiedzy.pl 1/27/2025
isn.mit.edu 8/11/2024
isni.org 9/1/2024
ISNI (International Standard Name Identifier) is an ISO standard, in use
by numerous libraries, publishers, databases, and rights management
organizations around the world.
issafrica.org 8/16/2024
The Institute for Security Studies (ISS) works with partners to build
knowledge and skills that enable sustainable peace, development and prosperity
in Africa.
iste.org 1/28/2025
isthmus.com 10/12/2024
isthmus.com/arts/music 10/12/2024
istmo.denison.edu 10/12/2024
istmo.denison.edu/n03/articulos 10/12/2024
istmo.denison.edu/n03/articulos/devenir.html 10/12/2024
istologio.org 10/12/2024
istopiahistoria.blogspot.com 10/12/2024
istoricheskij-portret.ru 10/12/2024
it.arizona.edu 11/7/2024
University Information Technology Services. University of Arizona.
it.clonline.org 10/8/2024
Comunione e Liberazione è essenzialmente una proposta di educazione alla
fede cristiana.
it.osu.edu 6/4/2024
The Office of Technology and Digital Innovation (OTDI) supports faculty,
students and staff across all Ohio State campuses.
itatti.harvard.edu 5/2/2024
I Tatti. The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies.
I Tatti is located on an estate of olive groves, vineyards, and gardens on the
border of Florence, Fiesole and Settignano.
itso.int 1/21/2025
its-online.fr 1/21/2025
itsthecat.com/blog 1/21/2025
itstimewetalked.com 1/21/2025
itto.org/iran 1/22/2025
iugg.org 2/8/2025 International Union of Geodesy and
iupress.org 2/8/2025
Indiana University Press.
iwa.org 6/30/2024
Institute of World Affairs. Since 1924, the Institute of World Affairs
has been working to bring together individuals and communities to better
understand and resolve conflict.
iwallerstein.com 2/8/2025 Immanuel Wallerstein (1930–2019). Researcher
& Scientist.
iwaponline.com 5/1/2024
IWA Publishing spreads knowledge about our most valuable resource,
water, helping to improve global health and well-being.