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De escritores.

  • "If your mother says she loves you, check it out." Seymour M. Hersh (Reporter: A Memoir. Published by Vintage - 2019).

  • America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde.

  • Cuando la ansiedad me hacía sentir un fracasado, un escritor que no había llegado a la meta, para consolarme siempre recordaba lo que había dicho Borges: “Todos caminamos hacia el anonimato, solo que los mediocres llegan un poco antes”. Manuel Vicent.

  • Muchachas que algún día leáis emocionadas estos versos y soñéis con un poeta: sabed que yo los hice para una como vosotras y que fue en vano. Ernesto Cardenal.

Museum.   9/9/2024   The Association of Art Museum Directors is an organization of art museum directors from the United States, Canada, and Mexico.   9/10/2024   Art Gallery of Greater Victoria. One of the finest collections of art in Western Canada.   9/10/2024   Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Naturală “Grigore Antipa” este una dintre cele mai vechi instituţii de cercetare a biodiversităţii şi de educare şi culturalizare a publicului.   9/10/2024   The Art and Popular Culture Encyclopedia.   9/10/2024   Yale University Art Gallery is the oldest college art museum in America.   9/10/2024   Mount Holyoke College Art Museum. Mount Holyoke College is located in Western Massachusetts on the ancestral land of the Nonotuck people.   9/10/2024   Google Arts & Culture includes content from over 2,000 leading museums and archives that have partnered with the Google Cultural Institute to bring the world's treasures online.   9/10/2024   Art UK. Discover artworks, explore venues and meet artists. Art UK is the online home for every public collection in the UK. Featuring over 300,000 artworks by over 50,000 artists.   9/10/2024   The Barber Institute of Fine Arts. A leading art gallery and concert hall within its Grade-1 listed building, on the University of Birmingham’s Edgbaston campus.   9/10/2024   Yale Center for British Art. Located in the final building designed by Louis I. Kahn, the YCBA is a focal point for modernist architecture.   9/10/2024   Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum. The Ohio State University.   9/10/2024   神奈川県立歴史博物館です。かながわの文化と歴史」をテーマにした常設展のほか、年に数回特別展や企画展を開催しています。   9/10/2024   The Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments. A broad range of scientific disciplines are represented, including astronomy, navigation, horology, surveying, geology, calculating, physics, biology, medicine, psychology, electricity, and communication.   9/10/2024   C.M. Russell Museum. Some historians work in watercolor and oil Charles Marion Russell (1864-1926) is one of America’s greatest artists.   9/10/2024   Glasgow Museums Resource Centre. The City of Glasgow owns one of the finest museum collections in the world, covering a broad spectrum of art, human history, natural history and transport and technology.   9/9/2024   Collections. NYPL Digital Collections.   10/4/2024   Amigos de la Egiptología. Vive el Antiguo Egipto. La difusión de la egiptología y dar a conocer el antiguo Egipto como únicas metas.   10/4/2024   UMass Amherst Fine Arts Center. The Fine Arts Center in Amherst offers a variety of stellar performing arts, visual arts, and education programs which create a unique opportunity to experience the arts in the Pioneer Valley.   10/4/2024   The University Museum of Contemporary Art - the teaching museum of the University Massachusetts Amherst – is a multidisciplinary, international laboratory for the exploration and advancement of contemporary art.   10/4/2024   American Folk Art Museum. New York City. Our collection includes more than seven thousand works of art from four centuries and nearly every continent—from compelling portraits and dazzling quilts to powerful works by living artists in a variety of mediums.   10/4/2024   Fuller Craft Museum. Discover Contemporary Craft. By exploring the leading edge of craft through exhibitions, collections, education, and public programs, we challenge perceptions and build appreciation of the material world.   9/15/2024   G-159 Historical Research Museum.   10/4/2024   Gilcrease Museum. The museum represents hundreds of Indigenous cultures from across North and South America, with material culture and archaeology ranging from 12,000 BCE to the 21st century.   10/4/2024   Giverny Vernon : In the Heart of Impressionism.   10/4/2024   Grande Arte. A Digital Library for Art Lovers.   10/4/2024   Hallwylska museet. Kulturhistoriskt museum i Stockholm City. Välkommen till ett kulturhistoriskt museum där du förflyttas 100 år tillbaka i tiden.   10/4/2024   Hood Museum. The Hood Museum's collections are drawn from a broad range of cultures and historical periods and represent a remarkable educational asset for both Dartmouth and the communities of the Upper Valley region of New Hampshire and Vermont.   10/4/2024   International Council of Museums. A global organisation of museums & museum professionals committed to the promotion and protection of cultural heritage.   10/4/2024   The Palace Museum. The Forbidden City, the center of imperial governance and family life, consists of various structures that were designed for specific functions.   10/4/2024   Muzeum Mikołaja Kopernika. Powojenna historia Muzeum rozpoczyna się w 1948 r., kiedy to uroczyście otwarto Muzeum Mikołaja Kopernika we Fromborku jako wyraz hołdu złożonego astronomowi.   9/15/2024   The Wisconsin Veterans Museum is dedicated to the people of Wisconsin who served in the armed forces and honors and affirms the role of all veterans in shaping Wisconsin military history and that of the nation.   9/10/2024   Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art. As a nationally-recognized advocate for American art and culture, the Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art serves as a cultural arts center for Northwest Missouri.   10/4/2024   宫博物院成立于19251010日,是以明清两代皇宫和宫廷旧藏文物为基础建立起来的大型综合性古代艺术博物馆。   9/15/2024   Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum is the home of the iconic Hughes Flying Boat - The Spruce Goose. In addition to an SR-71, A-10, and more.   7/23/2024   Musée de l’Homme.   8/17/2024   Musée Hergé.   7/23/2024   Musei in Comune Roma.   7/23/2024   Musei di Villa Torlonia.   7/9/2024   7/23/2024   Museo Galileo.   10/8/2024   Museo della Liberazione. È un museo del tutto particolare, in quanto è esso stesso documento storico, dal momento che al suo interno avvennero alcuni degli episodi più tragici della Resistenza romana.   7/8/2024   Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya.   9/15/2024   Yanks Air Museum. Painstakingly rebuilding these titans of American aviation history is hard work, with mechanics and craftsmen working by hand to return craft to their original state.   9/15/2024   Yorkshire Air Museum. We're on the site of RAF Elvington, a World War II bomber base just outside the city.