ediciones.ucsh.cl 8/21/2024 Portal de Publicaciones Académicas de la Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez (UCSH).
ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id 10/4/2024
E-Journal. UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang.
ejournal.uin-malang.ac.id/index.php/JIA/index 10/4/2024
Journal of Islamic Architecture. The articles that can be published in
this journal is about architecture from the Islamic value perspective.
electronicbookreview.com 8/21/2024 Electronic
Book Review is a peer-reviewed journal of critical writing produced and
published by the emergent digital literary network.
e-logos.vse.cz 8/21/2024 E-LOGOS.
Electronic Journal for Philosophy.
esculturaurbana.com 9/12/2024
Escultura Urbana. La primera revista digital dedicada a la escultura
pública en España.
ethnobiology.org/publications/journal-of-ethnobiology/current-issue 8/21/2024
Journal of Ethnobiology.
ethnobiomed.biomedcentral.com 8/21/2024 Journal
of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine.
fortnightlyreview.co.uk 8/21/2024 The
Fortnightly Review. The stroke of an oar given in true time.
grist.org 8/21/2024 Grist
is a nonprofit, independent media organization dedicated to highlighting
climate solutions and uncovering environmental injustices.
hyperrhiz.io 8/21/2024 Hyperrhiz,
the peer-reviewed online journal specializing in electronic literature, new
media criticism and net art.
ijponline.biomedcentral.com 8/21/2024 Italian
Journal of Pediatrics.
intarch.ac.uk 8/21/2024 Internet
Archaeology. The digital journal for archaeology. Peer reviewed research.
Independent. Non-profit. Global. Open. Free.
iopscience.iop.org 8/21/2024 IOPscience,
the home of scientific content from IOP Publishing and our partners.
journal.fi/entomolfennica 9/16/2024
Entomologica Fennica.As of 1 January 2020, papers falling within the
scope of Entomologica Fennica should be submitted to Annales Zoologici Fennici.
journal.sciencemuseum.ac.uk 9/15/2024
The Science Museum Group Journal presents the global research community
with peer-reviewed papers relevant to the work of science museums everywhere.
lareplica.es 9/15/2024
La Réplica. Periodismo incómodo.
larepubliquedeslivres.com 9/15/2024
La République des livres. Pierre Assouline.
lasoga.org 9/16/2024
La Soga. Creemos que un mismo camino une la alta cultura y la cultura
popular; que es posible leer a Dostoyevski después de ver un partido.
lecturafilia.com 9/15/2024
Lecturafilia. Leer es vivir dos veces.
link.springer.com/journal/10682 11/15/2024
Evolutionary Ecology is a concept-oriented journal of biological
research at the interface of ecology and evolution.
link.springer.com/journal/11056 11/15/2024
New Forests. International Journal on the Biology, Biotechnology, and
Management of Afforestation and Reforestation.
literratura.org 9/15/2024
Лиterraтура. Электронный литературный журнал. Избранная современная
литература в текстах, лицах и событиях.
lowerclassmag.com 9/15/2024
Lower Class Magazine. Unabhängiger Journalismus von der Straße für die
mappemonde.mgm.fr 9/16/2024
Mappemonde vise d’une façon générale à l’amélioration des connaissances
géographiques et de l’information sur les lieux et les territoires.
menafn.com 9/15/2024
Business & Financial. Middle East business and financial news, free
business and financial news, Stocks, Currencies, research and events.
metropolismag.com 10/12/2024
Metropolis Magazine. The Future of Architecture & Design.
mises.org/library/periodical/austrian 9/15/2024
The Austrian was the flagship physical print publication of the Mises
Institute from 2015-2023.
mises.org/library/periodical/quarterly-journal-austrian-economics 9/15/2024
The Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics (QJAE).
muzikalia.com 9/16/2024
Muzikalia. Informando de la actualidad sin prejuicios, poniendo el foco
en presente, pasado y futuro y dando voz a buen número de proyectos emergentes.
north-africa.com 10/30/2024
The North Africa Journal. Traditionally, the publication has been
focusing on the Maghreb, but we’ve recently expanded to Egypt. We also cover
surrounding regions that have a direct impact on North Africa.
nzmj.org.nz 10/12/2024
The New Zealand Medical Journal (NZMJ) is the principal scientific
journal for the medical profession in New Zealand.
openlettersreview.com 10/31/2024
Open Letters Review. Literary criticism, book reviews and
recommendations, and essays on literature and culture.
parnaseo.uv.es/Lemir/Revista.html 9/10/2024 Revista Electrónica Lemir. Revista de
Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento.
parnaseo.uv.es/Tirant.htm 10/31/2024
Tirant publica articles especialitzats, notes i ressenyes, i dóna
notícia d'estudis, miscel·lànies, monografies o traduccions importants, així
com d'actes i espectacles relacionats amb la literatura de cavalleries.
pensar.org 10/20/2024 Pensar, revista iberoamericana para la
ciencia y la razón, es una invitación al librepensamiento y al pensamiento
pjmedia.com 10/31/2024
PJ Media is a leading news site covering culture, politics, faith,
homeland security, and more.
plekos.jimdofree.com 10/31/2024
Plekos ist eine Internet-Fachzeitschrift für Rezensionen und Berichte
zur Erforschung der Spätantike.
prospect.org 10/31/2024
The American Prospect. Informed analysis of public policy and the
politics of power, from a progressive perspective.
redie.uabc.mx/redie 11/1/2024
Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa (REDIE). El objetivo
principal de la REDIE es comunicar información relevante y actual en el campo
de la educación.
remue.net 10/31/2024
Remue. Création et critique littéraire, littératures contemporaines.
Pages personnelles de en 1997, puis revue littéraire en 2000, le site remue est
devenu un collectif en 2001.
revista.anglo-catalan.org/ojs/index.php/jocs/index 11/1/2024
Journal of Catalan Studies. Since 1998 the Journal of Catalan Studies
has been the only academic journal dedicated entirely to the promotion of
Catalan Language and Culture via a totally electronic mode of publication.
revista.escaner.cl 10/31/2024
Escáner Cultural. Es una instancia fundamental de reflexión, registro e
investigación en torno a todo tipo de manifestación artística inédita,
alternativa, no convencional, innovadora, realizada principalmente por
creadores latinoamericanos.
revistacienciapolitica.uc.cl/index.php/rcp/index 10/8/2024
revistas.rcaap.pt 9/10/2024 OSARC – Serviço de Alojamento de Revistas
Científicas foi criado para desenvolver a publicação online de revistas
científicas em Portugal, facilitando a gestão de revistas científicas e
apoiando nas melhores práticas.
revistas.rcaap.pt/finisterra 9/10/2024 A Finisterra. Revista Portuguesa de
revistas.uniandes.edu.co/index.php/res 9/13/2024 Revista de Estudios Sociales.
revistes.uab.cat/anuariolopedevega 9/10/2024 Anuario Lope de Vega. Publicación de
estudios en torno a Lope de Vega, y especialmente los que abordan cuestiones
textuales, literarias y culturales.
rue-morgue.com 10/31/2024
Rue Morgue is the world’s leading horror in culture and entertainment
brand! Rue Morgue Magazine issued bimonthly and distributed worldwide!
theoretics.episciences.org 10/12/2024
TheoretiCS is a Diamond Open Access electronic journal covering all
areas of Theoretical Computer Science (TCS). Access to all papers is free.
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/environment-and-planning-d-society-and-space/journal202439 9/13/2024
Environment and Planning D: Society and Space.
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/annals-icrp 1/27/2024
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/clinical-child-psychology-and-psychiatry 8/21/2024
Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/counseling-psychologist 8/21/2024
The Counseling Psychologist.
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/environment-and-behavior 1/27/2024
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/evaluation 1/27/2024
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/group-organization-management 8/21/2024
Group & Organization Management.
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/history-human-sciences 8/21/2024
History of the Human Sciences.
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/organization-studies 1/27/2024
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/politics-philosophy-economics 8/21/2024
Politics, Philosophy & Economics.
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/theory-culture-society 8/21/2024
Theory, Culture & Society.
us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journal/youth-society 1/27/2024
valors.org 2/24/2024 Revista Valors. Filosofia de l'actualitat.
www.aup-online.com 10/14/2024 Amsterdam University Press is a leading
publisher of academic books, journals, proceedings and textbooks in the
Humanities and Social Sciences.
www.aup-online.com/content/journals/00259454 10/14/2024 Mens & Maatschappij.
www.capitalismmagazine.com 9/16/2024 Capitalism Magazine. Capitalism is the
social system based on individual rights.
www.dc.com/mad 10/12/2024
MAD Magazine!
www.eldiplo.org 9/12/2024
El Dipló. Publicación de Le Monde
Diplomatique para el cono sur.
www.flightjournal.com 9/12/2024
Flight Journal is like no other aviation magazine in the world, covering
the world of flight from its simple beginnings to its high-tech, no-holds
–barred future.
www.intersticios.es 10/16/2024 Intersticios. Revista sociológica de
pensamiento crítico. La revista Intersticios es una publicación académcia
especializada en el área de las Ciencias Sociales de periodicidad semestral.
www.invisibleculturejournal.com 8/21/2024 InVisible
Culture. Through peer reviewed articles, creative works, and reviews of books,
films, and exhibitions, our issues explore changing themes in visual culture.
www.macworld.com 9/11/2024
Macworld. News, Tips & Reviews from the Apple Experts.
www.science.org/journal/sciimmunol 8/21/2024 Science
www.science.org/journal/scirobotics 10/31/2024
Science Robotics provides a much-needed forum for the latest
technological advances and for the critical social, ethical and policy issues
surrounding robotics.
www.science.org/journal/stm 10/31/2024
Science Translational Medicine is a weekly biomedical journal of
research at the intersection of science, medicine, and engineering that
advances human health.
www.sciencedirect.com/journal/drug-and-alcohol-dependence 9/13/2024 Drug and Alcohol Dependence.
www.sciencedirect.com/journal/organizational-behavior-and-human-decision-processes 9/13/2024 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision
www.sciencefocus.com 10/8/2024
BBC Science Focus Magazine. Science, nature, technology, Q&As.
www.scienceshumaines.com 9/15/2024
Sciences Humaines, le magazine référence pour comprendre l'humain et la
société à travers l'actualité des sciences humaines et sociales.
www.sdjewishworld.com 10/19/2024 San Diego Jewish World. There is a Jewish
story everywhere!
www.spektrum.de 9/11/2024
Spektrum. Experten aus Wissenschaft und Forschung berichten über die
aktuellen Erkenntnisse ihrer Fachgebiete - kompetent, authentisch und
www.springer.com 8/21/2024 Springer.
International Publisher Science, Technology, Medicine.