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De escritores.

  • "If your mother says she loves you, check it out." Seymour M. Hersh (Reporter: A Memoir. Published by Vintage - 2019).

  • America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde.

  • Cuando la ansiedad me hacía sentir un fracasado, un escritor que no había llegado a la meta, para consolarme siempre recordaba lo que había dicho Borges: “Todos caminamos hacia el anonimato, solo que los mediocres llegan un poco antes”. Manuel Vicent.

  • Muchachas que algún día leáis emocionadas estos versos y soñéis con un poeta: sabed que yo los hice para una como vosotras y que fue en vano. Ernesto Cardenal.

Ornithology.   1/14/2024   American Bird Conservancy stands up for birds across the Americas. We halt bird extinctions, conserve vital habitats, eliminate key threats, and build the capacity of our partners.   7/10/2024   El blog ornitològic d'Abel Julien. Informació pràctica per aficionats a l'ornitologia a Catalunya i tota mena de birders obsessionats amb els ocells.   2/8/2024   The Association of Field Ornithologists (AFO) is a membership organization dedicated to the study and conservation of birds and their natural habitats.   2/8/2024   Alachua Audubon Society (AAS) is an official chapter of National Audubon and Audubon Florida. We foster appreciation of birds, protect wildlife and promote sustainability.   5/17/2024   American Ornithological Society. The world’s largest international ornithological society, AOS is more relevant today than ever, and we’re dedicated to supporting the scientists doing this critical work—for the sake of birds, humanity, and the planet.   5/9/2024   Aves est une des deux associations fondatrices de Natagora dont elle constitue le pôle ornithologique. Les observations d’oiseaux sont récoltées et analysées pour faire l’objet d’exposés et de publications (articles, atlas...).   9/2/2024   AvesChile (Unión de Ornitólogos de Chile). Nuestro principal objetivo es promover la conservación y protección de las aves y de sus ambientes; su estudio e investigación, así como también la difusión y educación en la comunidad nacional.   1/14/2024   9/1/2024   Owls - Pictures, Information, Sounds. Owls are generally characterized as being birds of prey of the order Strigiformes. Most owls are nocturnal, with a few exceptions. Many owls hunt during the night, while others hunt during the day.   2/8/2024   Birding New Jersey. The Experience of Birding.   2/8/2024   Bird Barrier. Bird Control Products for Pigeons, Woodpeckers & More. We specialize in urban and natural bird control to effectively relocate pest birds humanely and without harm.   11/4/2024   Birding in British Columbia. A hub for birding information for British Columbia, Canada. Featuring Rare Bird Alerts, directory to nature clubs and online birding groups, birding forums, and more.   11/4/2024   Costa Rica Living and Birding. Information and perspectives about birding Costa Rica.   11/4/2024   Birding Field Guides. Full-featured birding field guides for Costa Rica, Panama and Belize, including bird photographs, individual bird range maps, vocalizations, field marks, description, habitat.   11/4/2024   Welsh Ornithological Society. WOS is the national body to unify birdwatchers and ornithologists across the whole of Wales.   7/9/2024   Birds of Bolivia. Vinculando la observación de aves con el desarrollo ecológico y la conservación en uno de los países más biodiversos del mundo.   9/17/2024   Bird Strike Committee USA (BSC USA) is dedicated to providing leadership in managing wildlife hazards to aviation.   11/7/2024   Birding in Portugal, Individual Bird Watching Holiday. The Alentejo is probably the least known birding region of Europe, but perhaps the best and most beautiful.   9/17/2024   The British Ornithologists’ Union will promote ornithological science across the international scientific community, support the individuals who contribute to that science, and grow understanding of that science among a wider community.   7/10/2024   Buscant Pajaritos. Fotografies d'ocells avistats a Catalunya i més.   11/4/2024   The Fingal Branch is run by a small committee of dedicated volunteers who are passionate about the conservation of wild birds and their habitat in the Fingal area.   11/4/2024   The Chapel Hill Bird Club is for everyone who loves wild birds. Our members mostly come from the Research Triangle area of North Carolina: Chapel Hill, Durham, Raleigh, Cary, Pittsboro, and surrounding towns.   11/6/2024   Campephilus Woodpeckers. Devoted to the resplendent Campephilus genus of large woodpeckers, found only in the Americas. They are remarkable birds.   7/9/2024   Digital Atlas of Idaho. Bird Section.   5/9/2024   El Hornero. Es la revista sobre ornitología más antigua del Neotrópico. Desde 1917 hasta hoy, publica resultados originales de investigación y/o revisión sobre la biología de aves.   1/14/2024   7/9/2024   Birdphotos. By Helge Sørensen. If you are mainly visiting to see bird photos, you can browse “Portfolio” showing my favorites in full-screen mode or as a slideshow.   1/14/2024   Hummingbirds Canada! The overarching goal of Hummingbirds Canada is to encourage and support hummingbird research and education throughout Canada.   9/17/2024   Intervales State Park. Brazil. One of the most productive birding site in Atlantic Rain Forest.   11/15/2024   Bird Photos. The birds are listed by family, in TiF order. The photos range from high-quality to pictures where the bird is merely identifiable.   2/8/2024   kenn3d. Our Canon S3-IS was a birthday gift for Temple (Summer 2007). For the first time we had a Bluebird pair nesting in our backyard box and she really wanted to get some pictures of them.   11/15/2024   Macomb Audubon Society. Birding Macomb County.   9/17/2024   Michigan Bluebird Society. Experiencing The Joy Of Bluebirds!   5/9/2024   Nuestras Aves es una de las 3 revistas que editamos desde Aves Argentinas, la cual trata temáticas ornitológicas. Se encuentra principalmente orientada a la comunidad científica, observadora de aves y naturalista.   6/5/2024   Oklahoma Bird Photos. A large collection of photo images of birds  found in Oklahoma. Wildlife photographer Randy Anderson is forever photographing the birds of Oklahoma.   9/17/2024   Optics Mag. The Optics & Birding Magazine (Telescopes, Binoculars, Spotting Scopes).   7/10/2024   OrnitoBio. Ornitología y Conservación de la Biodiversidad para gente con la cabeza llena de pájaros y otros bichos.   1/14/2024   Project Passenger Pigeon. A unique and broad-based outreach effort to use the 2014 centenary of the passenger pigeon's human-caused extinction to promote the conservation of nature.   2/8/2024   The Raptor Research Foundation (RRF) is the world’s largest professional society for raptor researchers and conservationists.   5/8/2024   Ringmærkningsadministrationen. Københavns Universitet. Ringmærkningsadministrationen administrerer genfund af mærkede vilde fugle i Danmark. Ringmærkning af vildtlevende fugle i Danmark hører under ”Lov om jagt og vildtforvaltning”.   5/8/2024   R.M. Buquoi Photographics, images by Richard and Gail Buquoi specializing in Nature Photography.   2/8/2024   Searchable Ornithological Research Archive. SORA is the world's first and largest open access ornithological publications archive.   6/10/2024   The Birders Report. My name is Larry Jordan. My wife Brigitte and I have been living in Northern California for over 30 years now.   2/8/2024   Introducing Birds to Young Naturalists. If someone were to ask you to describe a bird, you probably would say it is a feathered creature that flies and lays eggs.   9/1/2024   AFA Watchbird. American Federation of Aviculture, Inc. In every issue of The AFA Watchbird you’ll find fascinating articles from experts in all aspects of Aviculture.   2/8/2024   The Waterbird Society is composed of biologists, researchers, conservationists, students, and others interested in the behavior, ecology, and conservation of waterbirds.   2/8/2024   Wild Birds Unlimited specializes in bringing people and nature together through the hobby of backyard bird feeding, nature products and local expert advice.   7/9/2024   Wildeyes Images. Randy C. Anderson Photography. Learn about Oklahoma wildlife photographer and educator Randy C. Anderson.   2/8/2024   The Wilson Ornithological Society (WOS) is an international scientific society comprising community members who share a curiosity about birds.   5/8/2024   The American Birding Association represents the North American birding community and supports birders through publications, conferences, workshops, tours, partnerships, and networks.   9/17/2024   African Bird Club. We are dedicated to conserving birds and their habitats across the continent of Africa and related islands.   11/4/2024   Birds, Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Our mission is to interpret and conserve the Earth’s biological diversity through research, education, and citizen science focused on birds and nature.   6/22/2024   Alabama Ornithological Society.   2/8/2024   A Fifty Year History of the Alabama Ornithological Society. Remembrances and Recollections.   5/9/2024   Ardeola. International Journal of Ornithology is the scientific journal of SEO/BirdLife, the Spanish Ornithological Society. It is now a fully international forum for research on all aspects of ornithology.   9/28/2024   The National Audubon Society protects birds and the places they need, today and tomorrow, throughout the Americas using science, advocacy, education, and on-the-ground conservation.   9/28/2024   9/28/2024   1/14/2024   5/9/2024   Aves Argentinas es la organización nacional que, compuesta por más de 3000 socios y con más de 100 años de vida protege las aves silvestres y la naturaleza de Argentina.   11/6/2024   Aves de Portugal. Todas as espécies de aves selvagens que ocorrem em Portugal e os melhores locais para as observar.   5/8/2024   Aves en Uruguay. Uruguay cuenta con aprox. 500 especies de aves comprendidas en 24 órdenes y 77 familias. La lista es la última clasificación sistemática de la SAO (Sociedad Americana de Ornitologìa).   1/14/2024   11/6/2024   BabelBirdy. Artnamen aller Vögel der Welt in vielen Sprachen. Vogelarten Übersetzung in viele Sprachen.   5/9/2024   Bastrop County Audubon Society. Our mission is to promote the conservation, restoration, and enjoyment of natural resources and habitats for birds and other wildlife.   11/6/2024   Vogelbeobachtung in Bayern und anderes. BabelBird.   5/9/2024   Bird Conservation Network. We are a coalition of over 20 conservation groups, including bird clubs, ornithological societies, and conservation organizations sharing an interest in the preservation of our local birds and the habitats they need to survive.   2/8/2024   Birdcam. La vita degli uccelli in diretta web. Live cam su nidi di falco pellegrino e altri uccelli selvatici. Segui con noi la schiusa delle uova e la crescita dei pulcini!   3/15/2024   Bird On! is for everyone who is aware of the wild birds around them. First published in 1996 by Jacobi Jayne & Company, it has become a leading news, information and reference site.   7/10/2024   BirdForum, the internet's largest birding community with thousands of members from all over the world. The forums are dedicated to wild birds, birding, binoculars and equipment and all that goes with it.   7/9/2024   BirdGuides is first for bird news. For latest bird reports, detailed sightings and information try it today.   8/25/2024   BirdLife International. Our Mission is to conserve birds, their habitats and global biodiversity, working with people toward sustainability in the use of natural resources.   1/14/2024   The BirdLife Americas Partnership is a growing network of national conservation NGOs spanning North and South America. We are working for integrated conservation of birds from the Canadian tundra to Tierra del Fuego.   17/01/2015   Together we are 120 BirdLife Partners worldwide – one per country or territory – and growing.   9/3/2024   The Institute for Bird Populations studies the abundance, vital rates, and ecology of bird populations to enable conservation of birds and their habitats.   11/4/2024   The Cornell Lab of Ornithology brings together the agility and impact of an on-the-ground nonprofit organization with world-class science and teaching as part of Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.   9/17/2024   Birds Canada. Oiseaux Canada. Our mission at Birds Canada is to drive action to increase the understanding, appreciation, and conservation of birds in Canada.   7/9/2024   Birds Georgia. Building places where birds and people thrive throughout Georgia.   9/5/2024   Birds in action.   9/17/2024   Birds of Prey. Each year over 600 birds arrive for care from all over Colorado. Since 1981, the Birds of Prey Foundation has accepted over 18,000 injured and orphaned birds.   9/17/2024   Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas. This enormous project is achievable only through the mass participation of the province’s birders.   7/9/2024   BTO. British Trust for Ornithology. We are a non-governmental, non-campaigning organisation focused on securing the future for birds and nature.   9/17/2024   California Bird Records Committee (CBRC) of the Western Field Ornithologists (WFO).   8/30/2024   Filey Bird Observatory and Group. Recording And Studying of Filey’s Birds.   9/5/2024   Bird Photographs and Bird Photography by Paul Gale, with a few paintings as well.   1/14/2024   El Grup Balear d’Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa (GOB) és una associació ecologista fundada l’any 1973.   1/14/2024   El GOB (Grup Balear d'Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa) és una associació ecologista sense ànim de lucre que treballa a les Illes Balears des de l'any 1973.   1/14/2024   Gull Research Organisation. This website deals with the identification and moult of gulls in the WP. Comparison of plumage month by month.   5/8/2024   Hawk Mountain Sanctuary. Since 1934, Hawk Mountain Sanctuary is an international center for raptor conservation, education, observation and research.   1/14/2024   La Sociedad para el Estudio y Conservación de las Aves en México A.C. (CIPAMEX) es una asociación civil, sin fines de lucro, cuyo objetivo principal es el estudio y conservación de las aves de México y sus hábitats.   9/17/2024   Illinois Ornithological Society. Dedicated to birds and birding in Illinois.   7/9/2024   Birding in Indonesia. Indonesia consists of thousands of islands and more than 1500 species of birds are recorded in the country.   9/17/2024   Suomen ja Euroopan linnut kuvissa osin äänten kera. Lintukuvia ja ääniä Euroopan, Suomen ja lähialueiden lajistosta.   11/15/2024   Macaulay Library. A scientific archive for research, education, and conservation, powered by you.   7/9/2024   Malc Richings Wildlife Photography.   7/9/2024   Mecklenburg Audubon Society, Charlotte, NC, is dedicated to promoting the appreciation, protection, and preservation of birds and other wildlife through education and conservation activities that will ensure they will survive and thrive.   11/15/2024   Medina Raptor Center. Spencer, Ohio. Medina Raptor Center's mission is the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of injured raptors and native songbirds in Northern Ohio.   9/17/2024   Michigan Audubon connects birds and people for the benefit of both through conservation, education, and research efforts in the state of Michigan.   5/8/2024   NH Audubon. Protecting New Hampshire’s Natural Environment for Wildlife and for People. Come with us and explore NH’s wild places, connect with nature, and help us protect the places we love for today and tomorrow.   11/15/2024   New Zealand Birds and Birding. New Zealand’s birds depicted in an unique way, using Maori lore and early European writers. Illustrated with antique natural history prints and poems, the site was first published in 1999.   9/17/2024   Ontario Field Ornithologists. To foster and increase the appreciation, knowledge, and conservation of Ontario’s birds within an equitable and inclusive organization.   2/8/2024   Ornis Italica. We aim at supporting wildlife conservation, environmental protection, the sustainable management and exploitation of natural resources, and the reconciliation of man-wildlife conflicts.   8/11/2024   The Owl Pages. Everything to do with owls. Detailed descriptions of different species, including photos and sounds. Also includes mythology, art, books, collectables and more.   2/8/2024   Birds. Scientists find nests of shorebirds, but they’re not the only ones looking for them. Just when they think hope is lost for the next generation of shorebirds, some heartwarming scenes greet them.   1/14/2024   ProRing. Verein der Freunde und Förderer der wissenschaftlichen Vogelberingung e.V.   2/8/2024   Purple Martin Conservation Association. The PMCA serves as a centralized data-gathering and information source on the species, serving both the scientist and Purple Martin enthusiast.   7/10/2024   The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB). We carry out conservation on a large scale, protect and restore habitats, and save species from extinction.   7/10/2024   Société d Etudes Ornithologiques de France. Venez nous rejoindre, les oiseaux ont besoin de vous. Un site pour observer, étudier et protéger ... notre avifaune.   2/8/2024   The Sussex Ornithological Society. Formed in 1962 by a small group of young people, the Sussex Ornithological Society has grown to become one of the largest county bird clubs in Great Britain with a current membership of around 2000.   5/9/2024   Stone is een landelijke werkgroep die steenuilenbescherming en -onderzoek coördineert, stimuleert en faciliteert. Daartoe wordt samengewerkt met relevante binnen- en buitenlandse, professionele en vrijwilligersorganisaties.   7/10/2024   The Wildlife Trusts are a federation of 46 independent wildlife conservation charities covering the whole of the UK. We manage nature reserves, help children to learn about nature and campaign to protect our seas.   2/28/2024   Xeno-canto. Sharing wildlife sounds from around the world.