10/14/2024 Fête du Jubilé de Calvin 2009. 500e anniversaire de la naissance de Jean Calvin (1509-1564). 9/13/2024 Baruch Spinoza. Ethics. Demonstrated in
Geometric Order and Divided into Five Parts, Which Treat. Translated from the
Latin by R.H.M. Elwes (1883). MTSU Philosophy WebWorks Hypertext Edition 1997. 10/16/2024 10/16/2024
Centre for Digital Philosophy. We advance philosophical research and
related fields through technology. 10/14/2024 The Philosophers' Magazine. Born out of a
vision to make philosophy more approachable to the general public, The
Philosophers’ Magazine provided insightful commentary on ethical dilemmas,
political philosophy, metaphysics, and more. 10/16/2024 PhilPeople is an online directory of
philosophers, a social network for philosophers, and a tool for keeping up with
everything in the philosophical profession. 9/13/2024 The Scandinavian Logic Society. Our aim at
present is to develop this website for the purpose of sharing information on
all matters related to logic in the Scandinavian countries. 9/14/2024 日本ディルタイ協会。 9/13/2024 The Wittgenstein Archives at the University
of Bergen (WAB) was funded in 1990 and is a research infrastructure and
projects platform bringing together philosophy and digital humanities. 9/13/2024 Die Wittgenstein Initiative ist ein
internationales Forum mit Sitz in Wien, dessen Ziel es ist, Ludwig
Wittgenstein, einen der größten Denker und bemerkenswertesten Menschen des 20.
Jahrhunderts, in seiner Geburtsstadt präsent zu machen. 9/13/2024 ALWS. The Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein
Society pursues two main goals: As implied by the name “Wittgenstein Society,”
its first goal is the analysis, tradition, and dissemination of Wittgenstein’s
philosophy. 10/14/2024 Mens & Maatschappij. 9/13/2024 British Wittgenstein Society. Our aim is to
ensure that Ludwig Wittgenstein’s philosophy continues to play a fertile and
creative role in 21st century thought. 10/16/2024 Proyecto Filosofía en español. Hay
fundamentos sólidos para considerar a Platón como el verdadero fundador de la
filosofía como nueva «disciplina institucionalizada», como disciplina
académica. 9/13/2024 The von Wright and Wittgenstein Archives
(WWA). The Archives also contain much of von Wright’s correspondence and drafts
of his published and unpublished manuscripts. 9/13/2024 Internationalen Ludwig Wittgenstein
Gesellschaft (ILWG) e.V. Sie widmet sich der Werk- und Wirkungsgeschichte der
Philosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins. 10/16/2024 Intersticios. Revista sociológica de
pensamiento crítico. La revista Intersticios es una publicación académica
especializada en el área de las Ciencias Sociales de periodicidad semestral. 9/13/2024 Nordic Wittgenstein Review (NWR) publishes
original contributions on all aspects of Wittgenstein's thought and work. 9/13/2024 Nordic Wittgenstein Society. One of the
Society’s most important activities is an annual Conference in one of the
Nordic countries. 10/16/2024 The Philosophy Documentation Center is a
specialized publisher that has been serving scholars on a non-profit basis
since 1966. 10/16/2024 Thomas Williams. Thomas Williams is the
Isabelle A. and Henry D. Martin Professor of Medieval Philosophy. Georgetown
University. 10/14/2024 Richard Geib. This is the Internet presence
for myself, Richard Geib. It has been in existence since October 9th, 1996 and
is where I work out, in a semi-public forum, my thoughts and thinking. 9/13/2024 Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft e. V. Der Zweck
der Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft besteht darin, das Studium und Verständnis der
Philosophie Schopenhauers anzuregen und zu fördern. 9/14/2024 D. Anthony Storm's Commentary on
Kierkegaard. An online commentary on all of Kierkegaard's writings with
supplemental materials. 10/16/2024 The Philosopher. Online philosophical
journal for the general reader, founded in 1923. 9/13/2024 Wittgenstein Source provides free access to
Wittgenstein primary sources. This includes facsimiles and text editions of
Wittgenstein’s philosophical manuscripts (his “Nachlass”).