apespain.org 11/19/2024 Asociación Primatológica Española. APE.
atlasofthefuture.org/project/chimp-see 9/23/2024 Chimp & See asks users to ID African
chimps in the wild using video footage, as part of the world’s largest
people-powered research platform.
bushmeat.net 2/9/2025 Bushmeat Project. Save the Great Apes;
Chimps and Gorillas.
chimpandsee.blogspot.com 9/24/2024 The Chimp & See Blog.
congo-apes.org 9/24/2024 Congo-Apes. Goualougo Triangle Ape Project.
Founded with the aim of preserving wildlife in the Congo Basin, we study the
apes, the ecosystems, & the forces that threaten their survival.
forestandhealth.org 9/22/2024 The Forest and Health Alliance works for the
well-being of the world’s forests and all that depend on them.
forestandhealth.org/great-apes 9/22/2024 Who are the Great Apes? This taxonomic
family includes gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans and, according to
some experts, humans.
fundacionmona.org 11/19/2024 Fundació Mona. Treballem pel benestar i la
conservació dels primats.
gibbons.asia 9/24/2024 IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group’s Section
on Small Apes (SSA). Gibbons aren’t famous like tigers or orangutans, but
they’re just as important.
gorillas-world.com 2/9/2025 Gorilla Facts and Information.
ippl.org 2/9/2025 International Primate Protection League.
9/4/2024 Instituto Jane Goodall
en España. IJG.
janegoodall.org 2/9/2025 Jane Goodall Institute.
9/4/2024 La Isla de los Monos,
es una isla santuario y centro de rescate de más de 450 hectáreas, ubicada a 30
km de la ciudad de Iquitos en la selva amazónica de Perú.
leakeyjourneys.org 11/19/2024 Leakey Journeys & Expeditions. From
captivating talks to thrilling research expeditions, Leakey Journeys and
Expeditions explores the fascinating past - discover the wonders of history
with us!
neoprimate.org 11/19/2024 Neotropical Primate Conservation (NPC).
ngogochimpanzeeproject.org 9/24/2024 The Ngogo Chimpanzee Project’s mission is to
conduct scientific research on the Ngogo community of chimpanzees in Kibale
National Park, Uganda, to conserve animal populations throughout the park, and
to support the education of local people of all ages.
nigeria.wcs.org 9/24/2024 Wildlife Conservation Society Nigeria saves
wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action,
education, and inspiring people to value nature.
orangutan.com 2/9/2025 Orangutan Conservancy.
panafrican.eva.mpg.de 9/24/2024 The Pan African Programme (PanAf) ‘The
Cultured Chimpanzee’ aims to overcome some of these limitations by studying a
large number of populations with a cross-sectional sampling approach.
9/4/2024 Wisconsin National
Primate Research Center. Over 60 years of life-saving research and humane
animal care. UW–Madison.
primatologie.unistra.fr 11/19/2024 SILABE (Simian Laboratory Europe).
Université de Strasbourg.
rainfer.org 11/19/2024 Centro de Rescate de Primates Rainfer.
redapes.org 2/9/2025 Orangutan Outreach.
rwanda.wcs.org/Wildlife/Eastern-Chimpanzee.aspx 9/24/2024 Wildlife Conservation Society. Eastern
chimpanzees, an endangered species, are found in Nyungwe National Park,
Cyamudongo Forest and Gishwati Forest Reserve in Rwanda, the latter two areas
being small, isolated forest fragments.
savannachimp.blogspot.com 9/24/2024 Fongoli Savanna Chimpanzee Project. Research
on West African chimpanzees living in a savanna mosaic at Fongoli, Senegal
since 2001, with a focus on the behavioral ecology of apes in a semi-arid
savetheorangutan.org 2/9/2025 Save the Orangutan. The Bornean orangutan is
critically endangered.
9/4/2024 SOS Primates es una
organización sin ánimo de lucro, que difunde los problemas que afectan a los
primates, y participa directamente en la protección y conservación de estos
animales y sus hábitats.
sumatranorangutan.org 2/9/2025
SOCP. Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme.
talk.chimpandsee.org 9/24/2024 Chimp & See Talk. Archived discussion
forums from Chimp & See at the Zooniverse.
2/9/2025 Action for Apes. Ape
www.amazoonicorescue.org 11/19/2024 Amazoonico. Centro De Rescate De Animales
Silvestres. We take in wild animals who were victims of illegal trafficking,
rehabilitate them, and reintroduce them back into their natural habitats.
www.arcusfoundation.org 9/24/2024 Arcus Foundation is dedicated to supporting
LGBT Social Justice and Great Apes & Gibbons Conservation.
www.arcusfoundation.org/latest-on-ape-conservation 9/24/2024 Great Apes Hub. This page features the
latest content published by Arcus about ape conservation and the organizations
Arcus supports through its conservation grantmaking.
www.aspinallfoundation.org 9/24/2024 The Aspinall Foundation. Renowned animal
conservation charity dedicated to protecting animals around the world. We work
in conjunction with Howletts & Port Lympne wildlife parks.
www.borneonaturefoundation.org 2/9/2025
BNF. Borneo Nature Foundation. Wildlife, Biodiversity Conservation and
www.budongo.org 11/16/2024 Budongo Conservation Field Station. BCFS
(formerly Budongo Forest Project). A secure and habitable environment for
people and wildlife through multidisciplinary conservation and training
approaches informed by science.
9/24/2024 Chimbo runs its own
programme of community based conservation and acts as a catalyst for policies
and actions of others that help to achieve the goal of sustainable, thriving
chimpanzee populations in West Africa.
www.chimpancepedia.com 2/9/2025
Chimpancés. Enciclopedia Experta.
www.eva.mpg.de/primat/index 9/24/2024 Former Department of Primatology. The former
Department of Primatology studied apes in their natural habitats, and
investigated issues related to the evolution of social systems and social
www.fcprimatespanama.org 2/9/2025 FCPP Panamá. Fundación Pro-Conservación de
los primates panameños.
www.gibbonproject.org 11/19/2024 The Gibbon Rehabilitation Project. Wild
Animal Rescue Foundation of Thailand (WARF).
www.internationalanimalrescue.org 2/9/2025 International Animal Rescue.
www.laga-enforcement.org 11/20/2024 The Last Great Ape organization (LAGA) was
born because the survival of Africa’s great apes demanded urgent action.
www.lemurreserve.org 11/20/2024 Lemur Conservation Foundation is dedicated
to the preservation of the primates of Madagascar through managed breeding,
scientific research and education.
www.monkeyland.co.za 2/9/2025 Monkeyland Primate Sanctuary, Plettenberg
Bay, South Africa.
www.monotocon.org 2/9/2025 Proyecto Mono Tocón, ONG en San Martín,
conservación de la biodiversidad peruana.
www.orangutan.or.id 2/9/2025
Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation.
www.orangutan.org.au 2/9/2025
The Orangutan Project.
www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/group/mammals/monkey 9/25/2024 Monkeys. Nature. PBS. A monkey is a primate
of the Haplorrhini suborder and simian infraorder, either an Old World monkey
or a New World monkey, but excluding apes and humans.
9/4/2024 Primate Education
Network. PEN, a free online membership platform for educators to download
resources and find publications.
9/4/2024 The Primate Freedom
Project is a resouce for education, advocacy, and support regarding primates in
9/4/2024 Primate Products, Inc.
(PPI) and its associated operating partners have dedicated their professional
lives to the conservation and care of nonhuman primates.
9/4/2024 The Primates are an
ancient and diverse eutherian group, with around 233 living species placed in
13 families.
www.primate-sg.org 9/24/2024 The Primate Specialist Group is a network of
scientists and conservationists who stand against the tide of extinction which
threatens humanity’s closest kin.
9/4/2024 The Association of
Primate Veterinarians (APV) is an international organization consisting of over
400 veterinarians concerned with the health, care and welfare of nonhuman
primates (NHPs).
9/4/2024 Primatologie und
Anthropologie. Olav Röhrer-Ertl, (1940–2019).
www.projetogap.org 9/22/2024 Projeto GAP. O GAP luta pela garantia dos
direitos básicos à vida, liberdade e não-tortura dos grandes primatas não
humanos - Chimpanzés, Gorilas, Orangotangos e Bonobos, nossos parentes mais
próximos no mundo animal.
www.proyectotiti.com 11/20/2024 Fundación Proyecto Tití. Los monos titíes
cabeciblancos son pequeños primates, del tamaño de una ardilla, que únicamente
habitan en los bosques tropicales del noroeste de Colombia.
www.tacugama.com 11/20/2024 Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary.
www.theorangutanproject.org.uk 2/9/2025 The Orangutan Project.
www.ucl.ac.uk/gashaka 9/24/2024 The Gashaka Primate Project. Monkeys and
apes are fascinating creatures. They are vital in maintaining the biodiversity
of their habitats because many plants depend on primates for seed-dispersal.
www.wildchimps.org/index.html 9/25/2024 The Wild Chimpanzee Foundation’s mission is
to enhance the survival of the remaining wild chimpanzee populations and their
habitat, thereby participate in saving the behavioural diversity of this
fascinating species.
www.wildfutures.org 2/9/2025 Wild Futures. Protecting Primates for 60
www.zooniverse.org/projects/sassydumbledore/chimp-and-see 9/22/2024 Chimp&See. Explore tropical Africa from home. Watch videos of chimps, elephants, leopards and more!