40x4x28.com 11/16/2024 40X4X28. Historical Landscapes of the Erie
Canal. I’ve spent my professional life in the communications industry – first
as a newspaper photographer, editor and designer and, for the past 20 years, as
the owner of a freelance graphic design business.
abc7news.com 9/17/2024
ABC7 News. KGO Bay Area and San Francisco News and Weather. Covering San
Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and all of the greater Bay Area.
artmuseum.mtholyoke.edu 9/10/2024
Mount Holyoke College Art Museum. Mount Holyoke College is located in
Western Massachusetts on the ancestral land of the Nonotuck people.
arts.columbia.edu/noir 9/17/2024 Dr. Saul and Dorothy Kit Annual Film Noir
Festival. School of the Arts. Columbia University.
artsci.washington.edu 1/17/2025 College of Arts & Sciences. University
of Washington. Study everything from art to economics to physics in nationally
ranked programs.
as.ua.edu 11/8/2024 College of Arts & Sciences. University
of Alabama.
as.virginia.edu 11/7/2024 College and Graduate School of Arts and
Sciences, University of Virginia.
bavc.org 9/17/2024
BAVC Media inspires social change by empowering media makers to develop
and share diverse stories through art, education and technology.
blogs.loc.gov/loc 11/17/2024
botweb.uwsp.edu/Anatomy 9/17/2024
Photographic Atlas of Plant Anatomy. Nels Lersten and John Curtis, his
student, were involved in plant anatomy teaching and research for more than 60
aggregate years.
britishart.yale.edu 9/10/2024
Yale Center for British Art. Located in the final building designed by
Louis I. Kahn, the YCBA is a focal point for modernist architecture.
carlylelake.com 9/17/2024
The City of Carlyle. Carlyle Lake, Illinois.
carmelites.net 10/19/2024 Order of Carmelites. Province of the Most
Pure Heart of Mary.
cartoons.osu.edu 9/10/2024
Billy Ireland Cartoon Library and Museum. The Ohio State University.
catalog.loc.gov 11/17/2024
celestialtimepiece.com 9/17/2024
Celestial Timepiece: A Joyce Carol Oates Patchwork is intended to be a
resource for students, scholars, and fans of Joyce Carol Oates’s work.
chicagoreader.com 12/25/2024
The Chicago Reader has been a fearless, innovative, and nationally
respected media voice in Chicago for more than 50 years. In print every week
and daily online, we are tastemakers, incisive critics, and agenda-setters.
chinamarine.org/Home.aspx 9/17/2024 The China Marines. The US Army. Dedicated to
Documenting the United States Marine Corps China Experience 1818-1949.
chroniclingamerica.loc.gov 11/17/2024
chsi.harvard.edu 9/10/2024
The Collection of Historical Scientific Instruments.
civil_war6.tripod.com 9/17/2024
California’s part in the War of the Rebellion circa 1861 – 1867. John Patchin.
clements.umich.edu 9/17/2024 The William L. Clements Library collects,
preserves, and makes available historical resources about the Americas, with
particular strengths in 18th and 19th century American history.
clements.umich.edu/about/the-quarto 9/17/2024 The Quarto and Other Publications. The
William L. Clements Library.
cmrussell.org 9/10/2024
C.M. Russell Museum. Some historians work in watercolor and oil Charles
Marion Russell (1864-1926) is one of America’s greatest artists.
cscouncil.siu.edu 9/17/2024 The Civil Service Council represents civil
service employees of Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
csli.stanford.edu 9/16/2024
csrc.nist.gov 9/17/2024 NIST Computer Security Resource Center. CSRC
provides access to NIST's cybersecurity- and information security-related
projects, publications, news and events.
developers.slashdot.org 9/17/2024 Developers News. Slashdot.
dhs.maryland.gov 1/17/2025
Maryland Department of Human Services. We are the state’s human services
provider. We help Marylanders buy healthy foods, pay energy bills, and obtain
medical assistance.
dornsife.usc.edu 9/16/2024
eastasian.as.virginia.edu 11/7/2024 East Asian Languages, Literatures &
Cultures. University of Virginia.
ed-thelen.org/index.html 10/3/2024
Ed Thelen's Nike Missile Web Site.
epic.org 2/7/2025 EPIC - Electronic Privacy Information
Center. Our mission is to secure the fundamental right to privacy in the
digital age for all people through advocacy, research, and litigation. We are a
501(c)(3) non-profit research and advocacy center.
fairworldproject.org 9/8/2024
Fair World Project : Keeping Fair Trade Real. Advocating fair trade for
small-scale producers and labor justice for workers around the world.
fas.org 11/8/2024 Federation of American Scientists. FAS
envisions a world where cutting-edge science, technology, ideas and talent are
deployed to solve the biggest challenges of our time.
fdlp.gov 1/2/2025
Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). The mission of the FDLP is to
provide free, ready, and permanent public access to Federal Government
information, now and for future generations.
fga.freac.fsu.edu 11/8/2024 Florida Geographic Alliance. The mission of
the Florida Geographic Alliance is to promote geographic literacy by fostering
innovation in geographic education and encouraging the protection and
conservation of Florida's natural and cultural resources.
fungi.com 11/7/2024 Fungi Perfecti is a family-owned,
environmentally friendly company specializing in using mushrooms to improve the
health of the planet and its people.
gisdata.mn.gov 1/15/2025
The Minnesota Geospatial Commons is a collaborative space for users and
publishers of Minnesota's geospatial resources.
guides.loc.gov 1/15/2025
Index of Library of Congress Research Guides.
gunblogblacklist.blogspot.com 11/7/2024 The Gunblog Blacklist: A directory of the
latest firearms news from around the internet.
gunsmoke.com/motorcycling/k1200rs/index.html 11/8/2024 The BMW K1200RS: Motor Über Alles.
hillsborochamber.org 11/7/2024 Hillsboro Chamber Of Commerce. Grow,
Connect, Lead! Hillsboro, TX.
hillsdalecollegian.com 11/7/2024 Hillsdale Collegian. Hillsdale College's
official student newspaper, Michigan's oldest college paper.
history.hanover.edu 11/7/2024 History Department. Hanover College.
history.sd.gov/default.aspx 11/8/2024 The South Dakota State Historical Society,
first organized as the Old Settlers Association of Dakota Territory in 1862,
established its official relationship with state government in 1901 through the
former Department of History.
history.state.gov 11/8/2024 The Office of the Historian is staffed by
professional historians who are experts in the history of U.S. foreign policy
and the Department of State and possess unparalleled research experience in
classified and unclassified government records.
history.ua.edu 11/8/2024 University of Alabama’s Department of
history.ucsc.edu 11/8/2024 Department of History at UC Santa Cruz. We
look forward to thinking with you - as well as reading, talking, writing, and
arguing with you - as you explore the past in all of its dimensions.
hls.harvard.edu 11/8/2024 Harvard Law School. Cambridge, MA.
hsmichigan.org 1/21/2025
The Historical Society of Michigan (HSM) is a nongovernmental, nonprofit
with a unique Michigan history education mission, and is not part of Michigan’s
state government.
it.arizona.edu 11/7/2024
University Information Technology Services. University of Arizona.
iwallerstein.com 2/8/2025
Immanuel Wallerstein (1930–2019). Researcher & Scientist.
jakobhjensen.com 1/17/2025 Jakob Hjort Jensen has been working in the
animation industry for over 20 years for DreamWorks Animation, Walt Disney
Animation and Imagi Animation where he acted as the Animation Director on the
theatrical release “Astro Boy.”
library.csus.edu/index.php 1/17/2025 Sac State Library. We serve California State
University, Sacramento and the community of Sacramento, CA!
macombaudubon.net 11/15/2024
Macomb Audubon Society. Birding Macomb County.
mangroveactionproject.org 1/17/2025 Mangrove Action Project. MAP's mission is to
partner with communities and organizations worldwide to conserve, manage, and
restore mangrove forests.
manoa.hawaii.edu/library 11/8/2024 University of Hawaii Manoa Library.
mapsairmuseum.org 1/17/2025 MAPS Air Museum. An internationally known
museum of aviation and serves as a center of aviation history for Northeast
Ohio that features displays of its aircraft and artifacts.
maritime.org 1/17/2025 San Francisco Maritime National Park
Association. Bringing our maritime heritage to life through education,
preservation and philanthropy.
media.defense.gov/2015/Dec/15/2001326111/-1/-1/0/AFD-151215-828-002.PDF 1/17/2025 Chronology American Aerospace Events. Harold
"Phil" Myers. Chief Historian Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance,
and Reconnaissance Agency. Lackland Afb, Texas.
media.defense.gov/2015/Dec/21/2001327906/-1/-1/0/AFD-151221-826-001.PDF 1/17/2025 One Hundred Ten Years of Flight. USAF
Chronology of Significant Air and Space Events 1903-2012.
mises.org/library/periodicals 1/17/2025 Periodicals. Mises Institute.
msa.maryland.gov/msa/educ/exhibits/womenshallfame/html/index.html 1/17/2025 Maryland Women's Hall of Fame. Each year, an independent committee reviews nominations
and selects women for induction into the Hall of Fame.
newsreel.org 2/7/2025 California Newsreel - Film and Video for
Social Change Since 1968.
newsreel.org/videos-alphabetical 2/7/2025 California Newsreel - Alphabetical Title
newsreel.org/video-transcripts 2/7/2025 California Newsreel – Transcripts.
paradoxa.com 12/23/2024
Paradoxa publishes articles on genre literature: science fiction,
horror, mysteries, children's literature, romance, comic studies, the
fantastic, best sellers, the occult, westerns, oral literature, and more.
repository.usfca.edu 9/17/2024
Institutional Repository (IR) at the University of San Francisco (USF),
hosted by Gleeson Library.
seg.org 11/2/2024
seis.ucla.edu 11/7/2024 UCLA School of Education & Information
sgp.fas.org/index.html 11/8/2024 FAS Project on Government Secrecy. From 1991
to 2021 the FAS Project on Government Secrecy worked to challenge excessive
government secrecy and to promote public oversight in national security
sharpweb.org 9/14/2024 Society for the History of Authorship,
Reading, and Publishing. SHARP is a global scholarly society focused on the
histories of material texts. We often call what we do “book history,” but we
don’t study only books nor do we focus only on the past.
slashdot.org 9/17/2024 Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that
matters. Timely news source for technology related news with a heavy slant
towards Linux and Open Source issues.
ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/classic-form 9/17/2024
Astrophysics Data System. A powerful, streamlined new Astrophysics Data
wisvetsmuseum.com 9/15/2024 The Wisconsin Veterans Museum is dedicated
to the people of Wisconsin who served in the armed forces and honors and
affirms the role of all veterans in shaping Wisconsin military history and that
of the nation.
www.albrecht-kemper.org 9/10/2024
Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art. As a nationally-recognized advocate for
American art and culture, the Albrecht-Kemper Museum of Art serves as a
cultural arts center for Northwest Missouri.
www.bleepingcomputer.com 9/17/2024 Bleeping Computer is a premier destination
for cybersecurity news for over 20 years, delivering breaking stories on the
latest hacks, malware threats, and how to protect your devices.
www.burkemuseum.org 12/18/2024 The Burke Museum cares for and shares
natural and cultural collections so all people can learn, be inspired, generate
knowledge, feel joy, and heal.
www.csus.edu 1/17/2025 Sac State, California's Capital University,
an institution of higher education that celebrates diversity and fosters
lifelong success for its students.
www.dc.com/mad 10/12/2024
MAD Magazine!
www.gemini.edu 11/2/2024
www.hillsboroughfireco2.com 11/7/2024 Hillsborough Township Fire Company #2.
Hillsborough, NJ.
www.kennedy-center.org 9/10/2024
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts is a vibrant campus
of theaters and other artistic spaces that is also a living memorial to
President John F. Kennedy and a must-see tourist stop in Washington, DC.
www.loc.gov 1/15/2025
The Library of Congress is the nation's oldest federal cultural
institution, and it serves as the research arm of Congress. The collections
include books, sound recordings, motion pictures, photographs, maps, and
www.loc.gov/aba 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/acq/ovop 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/acq/ovop/delhi/salrp/index.html 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/audio 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/cds 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/programs/audio-visual-conservation/about-this-program 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/programs/national-book-festival/about-this-program 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/research-centers/american-folklife-center/about-this-research-center 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/research-centers/hispanic/about-this-research-center 11/17/2024
www.loc.gov/research-centers/moving-image/about-this-research-center 11/17/2024
www.macaulaylibrary.org 11/15/2024
Macaulay Library. A scientific archive for research, education, and
conservation, powered by you.
www.medinaraptorcenter.org 11/15/2024
Medina Raptor Center. Spencer, Ohio. Medina Raptor Center's mission is
the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of injured raptors and native songbirds
in Northern Ohio.
www.newyorker.com 11/16/2024 The New Yorker. Today, The New Yorker
continues to stand apart for its rigor, fairness, and excellence, and for its
singular mix of stories that surprise, delight, and inform.
www.nlm.nih.gov 1/17/2025 National Library of Medicine. National
Institutes of Health.
www.nps.gov/places/6th-mount-zion-baptist-church.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/alabama-butler-chapel-ame-zion-church.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/battery-kemble.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/delaware-and-lehigh.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/georgia-atlanta-university-center-historic-district.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/georgia-dorchester-academy-boys-dormitory.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/kelly-ingram-park.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/north-carolina-fw-woolworth-building.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/sixteenth-street-baptist-church.htm 12/20/2024
www.nps.gov/places/virginia-robert-russa-moton-high-school.htm 12/20/2024
www.opensecrets.org 11/16/2024 OpenSecrets. Nonpartisan, independent and
nonprofit, our mission is to serve as the trusted authority on money in
American politics.
www.sdjewishworld.com 10/19/2024 San Diego Jewish World. There is a Jewish
story everywhere!
www.steelworks.us 9/11/2024
www.unr.edu/basque-studies 9/17/2024
William A. Douglass Center for Basque Studies. University of Nevada,
Reno. The Center for Basque Studies houses the Jon Bilbao Basque Library – one
of the world’s largest collections of Basque-related materials, currently at
55,000 volumes.
www.uwsp.edu 9/17/2024
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. UW-Stevens Point empowers
students to discover their purpose at a price that is affordable.
yalebooks.yale.edu 11/16/2024 Yale University Press is a community of professionals driven by intellectual curiosity and the pursuit of excellence.