www.c4i.org 5/6/2024
www.cabi.org 6/2/2024
www.cada.fr 7/17/2024
La Commission d’accès aux documents administratifs (CADA) est une
autorité administrative indépendante chargée de veiller à la liberté d’accès
aux documents administratifs et aux archives publiques ainsi qu’à la
réutilisation des informations publiques.
www.cadtm.org 9/21/2024
CADTM. Comité pour l’abolition des dettes illégitimes.
1/3/2024 The Cagle Post.
www.cairn.info 7/17/2024
Cairn a pour objectif de faciliter la mise en ligne des publications de
sciences humaines et sociales en aidant les maisons d’édition et autres
structures éditoriales partenaires à gérer la double publication en version
papier et en version numérique de leurs revues et ouvrages.
www.calacademy.org 5/8/2024
The California Academy of Sciences is a science museum—and scientific
and educational institution—located in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park.
9/17/2024 California Bird
Records Committee (CBRC) of the Western Field Ornithologists (WFO).
www.cam.ac.uk 9/29/2024
www.cambridge.org 7/17/2024
Cambridge University Press & Assessment. We unlock the potential of
millions of people. Our qualifications, assessments, academic publications and
original research spread knowledge and spark enquiry.
www.cambridge.org/core 5/25/2024
Cambridge Core is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational
research and academic information. With over 1.8 million journal articles and
46,000+ books, Cambridge Core is the central destination for academic research.
8/10/2024 Cambridge University
Press & Assessment. We publish books and journals and are dedicated to
serving customers in higher education through world-leading research and
education products and services.
www.campaignbuttons-etc.com 7/17/2024
Campaign Buttons – Etc. Presidential Campaign Buttons and Political
5/16/2024 Departments and
agencies. Enter a department name or abbreviation to find current Government of
Canada departments, agencies, crown corporations and special operating
www.canada.ca/en/government/system.html 9/29/2024
www.canal10.com.uy 6/12/2024
Canal 10 el canal uruguayo. Transmisión en vivo 24 h. Programas
completos, series, videos, contenidos exclusivos, noticias de Subrayado.
www.canal22.org.mx 6/12/2024
Canal 22. El Canal Cultural de México.
www.canalblog.com 8/13/2024
www.cantigasdesantamaria.com 4/29/2024
www.capella.edu 7/29/2024
www.capitalismmagazine.com 9/16/2024
Capitalism Magazine. Capitalism is the social system based on individual
www.carcinogenicpoetry.net 8/20/2024
www.caricaturedelab.com 9/20/2024
Caricatures Francois Delabruyere.
9/20/2024 Michel Vranckx alias
Franx est un caricaturiste ‘de salon’ et dessinateur de presse à la mine de
crayon ravageuse.
9/20/2024 Un site consacré aux
caricatures comme son nom l'indique.
www.caricaturesbydon.com 9/20/2024
Don Pinsent is a professional caricaturist operating in the Halifax,
Nova Scotia area.
www.carlosrodriguezbraun.com 5/7/2024
www.carl-yaffey.com 9/7/2024
Carl Yaffey. Performing: banjo, bass.
www.carpophore.ch/jo25/index.php 10/1/2024
www.cartoonart.org 5/10/2024
Cartoon Art Museum. Founded in 1984, the Cartoon Art Museum has
something for everyone—from comic strips, comic books and anime to political
cartoons, graphic novels and underground comix.
www.cartoonstock.com 7/13/2024
www.caughtbytheriver.net 8/25/2024
Caught by the River began as an idea, a vision and a daydream shared
between friends one languid bankside spring afternoon.
www.cbc.ca 7/13/2024
8/27/2024 CBR. Covering comics,
movies, TV like no other in the world.
www.ccad.edu 7/29/2024
www.cch2.org/portal 5/8/2024
The Consortium of California Herbaria is the organization that supports
all herbaria in California.
www.centralnordak.com/the-beacon 6/3/2024
www.centraloregonmushroomclub.com 10/1/2024
Central Oregon Mushroom Club. We are a group of fungi fanciers who have
discovered the joy of sharing our passion for mushrooms with others.
5/16/2024 Centro de Estudios
Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano.
www.cepese.pt/portal/pt 8/22/2024
www.cepf.net 8/22/2024
5/16/2024 Le Centre d’études
prospectives et d’informations internationales (CEPII) est le principal centre
français de recherche et d’expertise en économie internationale.
www.cepii.fr/CEPII/fr/welcome.asp 7/17/2024
Le Centre d’études prospectives et d’informations internationales
(CEPII) est le principal centre français de recherche et d’expertise en
économie internationale.
5/17/2024 Cercle Artístic. La
Seu Social ocupa, des de la seva fundació, un lloc privilegiat entre
l’emblemàtica Plaça des Born i l’acollidor Port de Ciutadella.
5/16/2024 Almanach dels
noucentistes. Edició digital basada en l´edició de Barcelona, Joaquim Horta
impressor, 1911. Edició facsímil: Barcelona, José J. de Olañeta, 1980.
5/16/2024 Antología filosófica :
la filosofía griega. José Gaos. Edición digital basada en la edición de La Casa
de España en México, (1940). Localización: Biblioteca de la Universidad de
5/16/2024 Diccionario de la
literatura cubana. Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística de la Academia de
Ciencias de Cuba.
www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/coleccion-de-documentos-para-la-historia-de-mexicotomo-primero--0/html 9/14/2024
Colección de documentos para la historia de México. Biblioteca Virtual
Miguel de Cervantes.
www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/constitucion-politica-de-la-monarquia-espanola-promulgada-en-cadiz-a-19-de-marzo-de-1812-precedida-de-un-discurso-preliminar-leido-en-las-cortes-al-presentar-la-comision-de-constitucion-el-proyecto-de-ella--0/html 9/14/2024
Constitución política de la Monarquía Española. Promulgada en Cádiz a 19
de Marzo de 1812. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de
www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/constitucion-politica-de-la-monarquia-espanola-promulgada-en-cadiz-a-19-de-marzo-de-1812-precedida-de-un-discurso-preliminar-leido-en-las-cortes-al-presentar-la-comision-de-constitucion-el-proyecto-de-ella--0/html 8/2/2024
Constitucion politica de la Monarquia Española: Promulgada en Cadiz á 19
de Marzo de 1812. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
www.cervantesvirtual.com/obra-visor/discursos-parlamentarios--0/html 9/14/2024
Discursos Parlamentarios. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/biblioteca_literatura_infantil_juvenil 8/2/2024
Biblioteca de Literatura Infantil y Juvenil. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel
de Cervantes.
www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/historia_y_critica_del_cine_espanol 7/17/2024
Historia y crítica del cine español. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de
www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/investigaciones_geograficas 5/25/2024
Investigaciones Geográficas es una revista científica internacional de
difusión del conocimiento geográfico editada por el Instituto
Interuniversitario de Geografía desde 1983.
www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/miguel_de_cervantes 8/2/2024
Miguel de Cervantes. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
www.cervantesvirtual.com/portales/reyes_y_reinas_espana_contemporanea 9/14/2024
Reyes y Reinas de la España Contemporánea es una página web temática
sobre los monarcas y regentes españoles desde 1788 hasta el actual rey, cuyo
reinado empieza en 2014. Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes.
www.ces.uc.pt 9/21/2024 O Centro de Estudos Sociais da Universidade
de Coimbra é uma instituição científica dedicada à investigação e à formação
avançada nas ciências sociais, nas artes e nas humanidades, através de uma
abordagem inter e transdisciplinar.
www.cfc.forces.gc.ca 9/29/2024
www.chaffey.edu 6/1/2024
Chaffey College. You can pursue 28 degrees that transfer to four-year
universities and colleges. We offer classes at three Inland Empire locations
-Chino, Fontana and Rancho Cucamonga- making it convenient for you to find
classes near where you live.
www.champaignaviationmuseum.org 5/31/2024 Champaign Aviation Museum. Urbana, Ohio.
We've come a long way and still have a long way to go. For over 14 years we have been dedicated to
preserving history.
www.champi-net.ch 10/1/2024
Association Cantonale Valaisanne de Mycologie (ACVM).
3/30/2024 ChannelDraw. Gianluca
Costantini is an activist and artist who for years fought his battles through
the drawing.
www.charitableirishsociety.org 6/21/2024
Charitable Irish Society. For over twenty years the Society has honored
those who have provided exemplary service to immigrants at our Annual Silver
Key Awards Reception.
8/17/2024 Château de Cheverny,
château de la Loire et de Moulinsart. À 2 heures de Paris, le Château de
Cheverny habité par la même famille depuis 600 ans, ses 6 jardins et son
exposition Tintin émerveillent petits et grands.
5/16/2024 Chemistry Department
at Queen's University.
8/27/2024 A associação chili com
carne é uma organização de jovens artistas sem fins lucrativos cujo
funcionamento assenta na cooperação livre e espontânea dos seus associados.
www.chimbo.org 9/24/2024
Chimbo runs its own programme of community based conservation and acts
as a catalyst for policies and actions of others that help to achieve the goal
of sustainable, thriving chimpanzee populations in West Africa.
8/19/2024 Chris Brown.
8/19/2024 Chris Buono. Chris
Buono makes music with a guitar, lots of pedals and good people.
5/27/2024 Chris Riffle. Chris' albums have been in rotation at
over 150 radio stations & featured on Sirius XM.
www.christianity.com 8/26/2024
Christianity. The History, Beliefs, and Teachings of Faith in Jesus
Christ. Featuring thousands of questionis and answers to help you understand
the Bible and live a faith-filled life.
www.christianscience.com 8/26/2024
Christian Science. Christian Science is about feeling and understanding
God’s goodness. Christian Science is based on the Bible and is explained in
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures and other writings by Mary Baker
www.chronicle.com 6/26/2024
The Chronicle of Higher Education has the nation’s largest newsroom
dedicated to covering colleges and universities.
www.chuandong.com 8/20/2024
www.chuguo.cn 8/20/2024
www.cia.gov/spy-kids 5/29/2024
www.ciclismo.it 8/20/2024
www.cifras.com.br 8/20/2024
www.cinefil.com 6/2/2024
www.cinema.ucla.edu 6/2/2024
www.cirp.gal 5/1/2024 O Centro Ramón Piñeiro está encargado de
promover, desenvolver e dar difusión a proxectos e programas galegos de estudos
lingüísticos, literarios, históricos e antropolóxicos.
www.citma.org.uk 8/30/2024
CITMA. Founded in 1934, chartered in 2016, The Chartered Institute of
Trade Mark Attorneys (CITMA) is a professional membership organisation with the
power to shape law and practice - nationally and internationally.
www.city-journal.org 5/7/2024
www.cityoflondon.gov.uk 9/2/2024
Visit the City of London. Things to see and do from iconic attractions
to hidden gems and explore green spaces both inside of and outside the Square
www.claseshistoria.com 9/21/2024 Clases historia. Espacio dirigido al
estudiante de Bachillerato y Enseñanza Secundaria.
www.classiccameradatabase.com 9/29/2024
Classic Camera Database. Research old digital cameras and connect with
other like-minded enthusiasts.
5/17/2024 Classic Fighters Omaka
Airshow. Embark on a thrilling journey through aviation history during the
three-day Easter weekend at Classic Fighters Omaka 2025 in sunny Marlborough,
New Zealand.
www.claymath.org 8/25/2024
The Clay Mathematics Institute is a global organisation dedicated to
furthering the beauty, power and universality of mathematical thought.
www.claymills.org.uk 8/25/2024
Claymills Victorian Pumping Station. We have four beam engines by Gimson
of Leicester 1885, Five boilers Thompson 1936-37, Steam driven workshop, Forge
and a 1930's dynamo house with early (1890's) Crompton dynamo driven by a
Buxton and Thornley steam engine.
6/5/2024 Detroit, Michigan’s
Local 4 News, headlines, weather, and sports on ClickOnDetroit.
6/5/2024 ClickOrlando l Orlando,
Florida News, Local Headlines l WKMG News 6.
www.cliorevista.com 5/25/2024
Revista Clío. Clío es una publicación española mensual de divulgación de
Historia. Se trata de una publicación independiente dirigida al gran público
desde una perspectiva plural.
www.clir.org 8/10/2024
www.cmu.edu 7/19/2024
www.cnc.fr 8/20/2024
www.cnig.pt 6/30/2024
www.cnmoc.usff.navy.mil 8/23/2024
Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (CNMOC).
www.cnmoc.usff.navy.mil/usno 8/23/2024
United States Naval Observatory.
6/12/2024 La Comisión Chilena
del Cobre (Cochilco) es un organismo técnico y altamente especializado, creado
en 1976.
9/21/2024 Action against
Trafficking in Human Beings.
9/21/2024 Bureau des Traités.
Conseil de l'Europe.
9/21/2024 Conseil de l'Europe.
Strasbourg, France.
8/2/2024 Ayuntamiento de Collado
www.college-of-arms.gov.uk 8/26/2024
The College of Arms is the official heraldic authority for England,
Wales, Northern Ireland and much of the Commonwealth including Australia and
New Zealand.
www.collinsbartholomew.com 8/25/2024
Collins Bartholomew are a leading supplier of digital map data. We
supply map data to private and public sector organisations across the globe.
www.colorado.edu 6/30/2024
5/27/2024 Art and Art History.
University of Colorado Boulder. Art challenges, transforms, and defies containment.
5/30/2024 The Institute of
Arctic and Alpine Research conducts interdisciplinary research in earth system
science and climate dynamics to better understand past, present, and future
change in high-latitude, alpine, and global environments.
www.comicshoplocator.com 3/26/2024
Comic Shop Locator. Find Your Nearest Comic Book, Graphic Novel and
Pop-Culture Store Locator.
www.comingsoon.net 7/13/2024
5/17/2024 IEEE Computer Society.
Engaging computer engineers, scientists, academia, and industry professionals
from all areas of computing, the IEEE Computer Society sets the standard for
the education and engagement that fuels continued global technological
www.computerworld.com 9/9/2024
Computerworld. We provide authoritative analysis of IT trends, offer
insights into how technology is used in the enterprise, and explain how IT is
www.comune.jesi.an.it 7/18/2024
www.comune.torino.it 9/21/2024 Città di Torino.
www.congreso.es/constitucion/ficheros/historicas/cons_1812.pdf 9/14/2024
Constitución Política de la Monarquía Española. Promulgada en Cádiz a 19
de Marzo de 1812.
www.conservativecartoons.com/index.php 7/13/2024
www.context.news 9/2/2024
Global Climate, Economic Inequality & Tech News. Context. News and
analysis on the most critical issues affecting people, society and the
environment. Powered by the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
www.coolminiornot.com 8/4/2024
www.copyright.gov 8/12/2024
The U.S. Copyright Office promotes creativity and free expression by
administering the nation’s copyright laws and by providing impartial, expert
advice on copyright law and policy for the benefit of all.
www.costaricainspirations.com 7/6/2024
Costa Rica Inspirations. At Costa Rica Inspirations we are active
wellness experts passionate about sharing our beautiful country.
www.courier-journal.com 7/13/2024
6/5/2024 The Courier. Your
messenger for the Arkansas River Valley. Russellville, Ark – est. 1875.
www.cpoesiajosehierro.org/web/index.php 8/9/2024
www.creationresearch.org 5/19/2024
www.creem.st-andrews.ac.uk 9/23/2024
8/2/2024 Centre de Recherche en
Informatique (CRI) de MINES Paris.
www.crimeboss.com/index.shtml 9/20/2024
Crimeboss. Crime Comic Books of the 1940s & 1950s.
www.crl.edu 8/10/2024
www.croatianhistory.net 6/2/2024
www.cropscience.bayer.us 8/24/2024
www.crowmedicine.com 9/7/2024
Old Crow Medicine Show.
www.cs.cmu.edu 7/13/2024
www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Library 9/2/2024
www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Library/Shelf/miller 8/20/2024
www.cs.cmu.edu/~dst/Secrets/index.html 8/20/2024
www.cslewis.org 5/19/2024
www.cslewisfestival.org 5/19/2024
www.cslewisinstitute.org 5/19/2024
www.csntm.org 6/23/2024
The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM), pursues
the great and noble task of preserving the New Testament text and manuscripts,
and tracing its history through the ages.
5/16/2024 Consorci de Serveis
Universitaris de Catalunya.
www.csuohio.edu 8/21/2024
Cleveland State University.
www.ctie.monash.edu.au/hargrave/index.htm 8/25/2024
Lawrence Hargrave: Australian Aviation Pioneer. The 19th century saw
aviation's birth, the 20th century took man into the skies - the 21st century
can only be even more spectacular.
5/17/2024 The Centre Tecnològic
de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) is a non-profit research institution
based in Castelldefels (Barcelona), resulting from a public initiative of the
Regional Government of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya).
www.ctv.ca 7/13/2024
www.cuanschutz.edu 8/10/2024
www.cubaliteraria.cu 7/6/2024
Editorial Letras Cubanas. El Portal de la Literatura Cubana.
5/16/2024 Cubanet te ofrece la
información más relevante de la prensa independiente en Cuba sobre temas de
interés y actualidad.
www.cubarte.cult.cu 7/6/2024
Cubarte es una entidad del Ministerio de Cultura encargada de diseñar,
orientar y controlar las políticas nacionales sobre las tecnologías de la
información para el sector cultural.
www.cucea.udg.mx 6/12/2024
Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas. Red
Universitaria de Jalisco. Universidad de Guadalajara.
www.cuci.udg.mx 6/12/2024
El Centro Universitario de la Ciénega como parte de la Red Universitaria
de Jalisco, es un referente para la vida social, educativa, económica, política
y cultural; atiende necesidades que se presentan a nivel superior de la región
con calidad, pertinencia y competitividad global.
8/19/2024 Columbia Classical
Performers. Our mission is twofold—to provide musicians with the opportunity to
perform for their peers at an audition-free basis, and to deliver quality
concerts enjoyed by the Columbia community.
www.cuco.com.ar/index.htm 6/12/2024
Diccionario de Mitos y Leyendas. Organizado por alfabeto, etnias y
paises. Incluye mitos mapuches, guaranies, mocovies, tupi, mapuches,
araucanos.. y de Argentina, Chile, Brasil, Peru, Ecuador y Bolivia.
www.culturamas.es 8/9/2024
www.cumio.com 5/4/2024
www.cyark.org 7/19/2024