www.g20.org 8/26/2024
www.galleryofbirds.com 9/5/2024
Bird Photographs and Bird Photography by Paul Gale, with a few paintings
as well.
www.gamc.org.uk 8/30/2024
Gatwick Aviation Museum. Founded in 1987, Gatwick Aviation Museum began
as a private collection acquired by local Surrey businessman Peter Vallance.
www.gas-turbine-lab.mit.edu 8/11/2024
www.gatestoneinstitute.org 5/7/2024
www.gazetadopovo.com.br 5/7/2024
www.gazetaesportiva.com 6/2/2024
www.gazetatema.net 6/2/2024
www.gbif.org 5/8/2024
GBIF —the Global Biodiversity Information Facility— is an international
network and data infrastructure funded by the world's governments and aimed at
providing anyone, anywhere, open access to data about all types of life on
www.gedenkstaette-stille-helden.de 7/20/2024
Gedenkstätte Stille Helden: Widerstand gegen die Judenverfolgung in
Europa 1933 bis 1945.
www.genbeta.com 8/6/2024
www.georgefox.edu 5/19/2024
www.germanistik-im-netz.de 7/20/2024
GiN ist die Abkürzung für Germanistik im Netz, Informations- und
Serviceportal für die Germanistik.
www.gesis.org/home 7/14/2024
Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften.
www.getty.edu/research 9/1/2024 Getty Research Institute – GRI. An
international center for the study of visual culture. Home to one of the
world’s largest art libraries.
www.gf-primatologie.de/deutsch/gfp-e-v 9/5/2024
www.giga-hamburg.de 7/20/2024
Das GIGA ist ein unabhängiges, sozialwissenschaftliches
Forschungsinstitut mit Sitz in Hamburg, Deutschland. Wir forschen zu
politischen, sozialen und wirtschaftlichen Entwicklungen in Afrika, Asien,
Lateinamerika und Nahost sowie zu globalen Fragen.
www.ginseg.com 5/6/2024
www.gliding.co.uk 8/30/2024
The British Gliding Association is the governing body for the sport of
gliding in the UK. We represent and provide services to some 8500 UK glider
www.gnm.se 7/20/2024
Göteborgs naturhistoriska museum är Göteborgs äldsta museum. Det
bildades 1833 med Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterhetssamhällets
naturaliesamlingar som grund.
www.gob.do 6/25/2024
El Portal Único de Servicios del Gobierno Dominicano, una plataforma que
reúne todos los servicios disponibles del Estado de forma digital, para
facilitar el acceso y entrega a la ciudadanía.
www.gob.pe/ingemmet 6/25/2024
Instituto Geológico, Minero y Metalúrgico. Es un Organismo Público
Técnico Especializado del Sector Energía y Minas del Perú, con personería
jurídica de derecho público interno, autonomía, técnica administrativa y
www.gobmallorca.com 1/14/2024
El Grup Balear d’Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa (GOB) és una
associació ecologista fundada l’any 1973.
www.gobmenorca.com 1/14/2024
El GOB (Grup Balear d'Ornitologia i Defensa de la Naturalesa) és una
associació ecologista sense ànim de lucre que treballa a les Illes Balears des
de l'any 1973.
www.gocomics.com 7/13/2024
www.goethe-university-frankfurt.de 7/28/2024
Goethe University Frankfurt. Eine exzellente, internationale Universität
im digitalen Zeitalter – Wissen für Entwicklung, Nachhaltigkeit und
Gerechtigkeit im 21. Jahrhundert
www.gold.ac.uk/apru 6/2/2024
www.gortons.com 9/8/2024
Gorton’s Seafood. Experience the best in seafood. Gorton’s offers
delicious, high-quality seafood products for your culinary enjoyment.
www.gostak.org.uk 8/29/2024
Greg Pickersgill's GOSTAK.
www.gov.uk 8/30/2024
The best place to find government services and information. GOV.UK
www.gov.uk/browse/housing-local-services 8/29/2024
Housing and local services. Owning or renting and council services.
www.gov.uk/government/organisations/northern-ireland-office 8/29/2024
Northern Ireland Office. GOV.UK
www.gov.uk/health-and-social-care 6/9/2024
www.gov.uk/search/news-and-communications 8/30/2024
News and communications. GOV.UK
8/30/2024 Research and
statistics. GOV.UK
www.gov.uk/world 8/30/2024
www.govinfo.gov 8/12/2024
U.S. Government Publishing Office. GovInfo provides free public access
to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/GPO-CDOC-108hdoc222/pdf/GPO-CDOC-108hdoc222.pdf 4/27/2024
Biographical Directory of the United States Congress 1774–2005.
www.gpposner.com 6/2/2024
www.grandbahamamuseum.org 5/20/2024
www.granma.cu 9/12/2024
Órgano Oficial del Comité Central del Partido Comunista de Cuba. Fundado
el 3 de octubre de 1965.
www.granorient.cat/v2 6/28/2024
Gran Orient de Catalunya. Maçoneria Universal. Família Catalana.
www.greenpeace.org/international 9/3/2024
Greenpeace International. Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth
deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.
www.greenwichworldheritage.org 6/21/2024
www.grida.no 7/13/2024
www.group30.org 4/27/2024
G30. Consultative Group on International Economic and Monetary Affairs,
Inc. It aims to deepen understanding of global economic and financial issues,
and to explore the international repercussions of decisions taken in the public
and private sectors.
www.gruppoabele.org 7/20/2024
Gruppo Abele. Giovani abitati dall’inquietudine, donne sfruttate e
vittime di violenza, famiglie disorientate, persone con problemi di dipendenza,
uomini e donne senza una casa, vittime della malattia fisica o mentale,
stranieri in cerca di diritti.
www.grzyby.pl 7/20/2024
Atlas grzybów. Monitoring sezonu grzybowego. Edukacja. Wsparcie
www.gs.washington.edu 6/4/2024
UW Genome Sciences.
www.guardian-series.co.uk 9/12/2024
Guardian Series. News, sport, weather, travel, events and more for East
London and West Essex from the team at the Guardian Series newspaper.
www.gub.uy 7/6/2024
Sitio oficial de la República Oriental del Uruguay.
www.gub.uy/ministerio-educacion-cultura 7/6/2024
Ministerio de Educación y Cultura. MEC Uruguay coordina, promueve y
desarrolla políticas públicas en educación, cultura, ciencia, tecnología y
1/14/2024 Gull Research
Organisation. This website deals with the identification and moult of gulls in
the WP. Comparison of plumage month by month.
www.gwup.org 6/2/2024