www.labornotes.org 7/15/2024
Labor Notes is a media and organizing project that has been the voice of
union activists who want to put the movement back in the labor movement since
www.labyrinthbooks.com 2/24/2024
www.lacapona.coop 7/8/2024
Llibreria La Capona. Llibreria online de Tarragona. La Capona ha estat
des de la seva creació un pol cultural socialitzador al servei de la ciutat i
la seva gent, un model de comerç proper i de referència amb la lógica del bé
www.la-charte.fr 7/3/2024
La Charte des Auteurs et Illustrateurs de Jeunesse. La Charte fait
entendre sa voix auprès des institutions publiques, promeut la littérature
jeunesse et veille à la défense des droits des auteur·rices.
www.ladiscusion.cl 10/12/2024 La Discusión. El Diario de la Región de
www.laesquinadellago.com 1/7/2024
La Esquina Del Lago. The Los Guatuzo Fishing Lodge is located in
Nicaragua's San Juan River wildlife reserve.
www.laestrella.com.pa 2/10/2024 La Estrella de Panamá. Noticias de Panamá y
el mundo. El primer periódico de Panamá fundado en 1849.
www.lag.uia.mx/publico/index.php 8/10/2024
www.laizquierdadiario.cl/Chile 10/14/2024
La Izquierda Diario. Somos absolutamente independientes, no sólo de los
grandes empresarios, sino también del gobierno.
www.lajiribilla.cu 1/16/2024 La Jiribilla. Revista de Cultura Cubana.
www.laltiplano.fr 7/14/2024
www.lambiek.net 4/21/2024
Stripwinkel Lambiek. In Stripwinkel Lambiek zijn tentoonstellingen van
verschillende striptekenaars te zien die de grenzen tussen strips en
"conventionele kunst" verkennen.
www.lambiek.net/aanvang/index.htm 4/21/2024
Tweehonderd jaar Nederlandse Stripgeschiedenis. Lambiek
stripgeschiedenis. Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de verschillende
periodes, tijdschriften en tekenaars uit de geschiedenis van de Nederlandse
www.lambiek.net/news.html 4/21/2024
Nieuwsoverzicht. Stripwinkel Lambiek, geopend in Amsterdam in 1968, is
meer dan alleen maar Europa's oudste, en Nederlands grootste stripspeciaalzaak.
www.lamonomagazine.com 4/21/2024
La Mono Magazine. La inteligencia artificial nos fascina por su
potencial para transformar industrias enteras y afectar la sociedad en general.
www.landwirtschaft-mv.de 7/23/2024
Die Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei
Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (LFA) ist eine Einrichtung der anwendungsorientierten
www.lanl.gov 8/13/2024 Los Alamos National Laboratory. Our mission
is to solve national security challenges through simultaneous excellence.
www.laopiniondemurcia.es 10/12/2024 La Opinión de Murcia. Diario digital de
Murcia, la actualidad de noticias de Murcia y España.
www.laopiniondezamora.es 10/12/2024 La Opinión de Zamora. Actualidad y última
hora en La Opinión de Zamora.
www.laposte.fr 4/18/2024
www.laprensa.com.ar 7/6/2024
3/14/2024 La Prensa. Diario de
Honduras, noticias y videos del país y el mundo.
www.laprensani.com 5/19/2024
www.lapunkt.ro 4/18/2024
www.larramendi.es/fundacion/inicio 5/4/2024
Fundación Ignacio Larramendi.
www.latinspots.com 7/9/2024
www.latriplenelson.uy 7/6/2024
La Triple Nelson. Banda de Rock Nacional. La Triple Nelson es una banda
de rock uruguaya fundada en 1998.
www.lavenc.cat 1/16/2024 L'Avenç, revista d'història i cultura, és un
dels punts de referència de les revistes culturals editades en llengua
www.law.berkeley.edu 3/13/2024 Berkeley Law is one of the nation’s premier
law schools, located at UC Berkeley. Offering JD, LLM, JSD and joint degrees,
as well as individual courses.
www.law.columbia.edu 3/13/2024 Columbia Law School is a world leader in
legal education, renowned for the intellectual rigor of its curriculum and the
groundbreaking scholarship of its faculty.
www.law.miami.edu 2/21/2024
University of Miami School of Law.
www.law.nyu.edu 7/15/2024
NYU School of Law. NYU Law is a leader in law and business, global,
public interest, and clinical legal education with innovative programs that
prepare students to enter the legal job market ready to succeed.
www.law.nyu.edu/library 7/15/2024
NYU Law Library. NYU School of Law.
www.law.uchicago.edu 2/5/2024
www.law.upenn.edu/library 4/22/2024
Biddle Law Library. Penn Carey Law. Your online destination for
resources, information, and support from one of the most robust law libraries
in the world.
www.laweekly.com 2/20/2024
www.lazaruscorporation.co.uk 3/7/2024
www.lbl.gov 9/1/2024
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is advancing the scope of human
knowledge & seeking science solutions to the greatest problems facing
www.lbschools.net 2/12/2024 The Long Beach Unified School District has
earned a reputation as one of America's finest school systems, winning many
awards as a national and international model of excellence.
9/21/2024 Last Chance for
Animals is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating animal
exploitation through education, investigations, legislation, and media
www.lcfc.com 8/5/2024
www.learnreligions.com 7/19/2024
www.lecharpeblanche.fr 9/15/2024
L’Echarpe Blanche est un blog consacré à l’actualité de l’aviation
ancienne en France, publié conjointement
par Bravo Bravo Aviation.
www.ledonline.it 4/21/2024
Electronic Archive of Academic and Literary Texts. Online publication in
PDF format of academic and scientific texts in the Social sciences &
www.leeway.org 2/24/2024
www.left-bank.com 3/7/2024
www.legatnet.dk 8/25/2024
www.legislation.gov.au 1/19/2024
www.leitz-auction.com 7/17/2024
www.leloir.org.ar 3/14/2024 La Fundación Instituto Leloir (FIL) se
dedica a la investigación y a la formación de jóvenes científicos.
www.lelombard.com 4/21/2024
Éditions Le Lombard. L’éditeur de bandes dessinées qui vous fait vivre
l’aventure en images, de 7 à 77 ans ! Lisez, découvrez de nouvelles séries,
retrouvez vos personnages favoris, et commandez vos bd favorites !">
www.lematin.ch 10/12/2024 Le Matin: toute l’actualité en Suisse et
dans le monde.
www.lemelson.org 2/24/2024
www.lemonde.fr/blog/bugbrother 8/20/2024
www.lemonde.fr/blog/finance 9/15/2024
Démystifier la finance. Le blog de Georges Ugeux.
www.lensculture.com 9/27/2024
www.leonlevyfoundation.org 6/1/2024
The Leon Levy Foundation supports the preservation, understanding and
expansion of knowledge in the Ancient World, Arts and Humanities, Nature and
Gardens, Neuroscience, Human Rights and Jewish culture.
www.lepoint.fr 1/28/2024
www.letterainternazionale.it 4/18/2024
www.lewallengalleries.com 2/10/2024
www.lewissociety.org 5/19/2024
www.lexisnexis.com/en-us/home.page 3/3/2024
www.lexpress.fr 2/20/2024
www.lfmodels.com 1/11/2024
www.li-an.fr 4/21/2024
Li-An, auteur BD, illustrateur, amateur d’images, de science-fiction et
de plein d’autres choses.
www.lib.cam.ac.uk 4/29/2024
www.lib.jmu.edu 3/13/2024 James Madison University Libraries. JMU
Libraries offers study spaces, equipment to foster creativity, expert
educational technology and instructional design services, books, and more.
www.lib.kyushu-u.ac.jp 5/1/2024
www.liberalcurrents.com 5/7/2024
www.liberation.fr 8/17/2024
Libération. Actualité en direct, infos en France et dans le monde.
www.libero.it 8/17/2024
Libero: Mail, Ricerca e News con aggiornamento quotidiano.
www.libertaddigital.com 2/20/2024
www.libertyfund.org 5/7/2024
www.library.miami.edu 2/20/2024
The University of Miami Libraries provide faculty, students,
researchers, and staff with the highest quality access to collections,
information services, learning support, and digital expertise in support of the
University’s mission to transform lives.
www.library.nd.edu 6/24/2024
www.library.northwestern.edu 1/24/2024
www.library.northwestern.edu/libraries-collections 5/27/2024
Libraries & Collections: Libraries. Northwestern University. With
approximately 800,000 visitors annually, the Main Library is one of the busiest
buildings on Northwestern’s Evanston campus.
8/16/2024 Melville J. Herskovits
Library of African Studies. The Africana collection is a resource for the
entire university, and most of Northwestern's disciplinary programs are
reflected in the collection.
8/16/2024 Arabic Manuscripts
from West Africa.
www.library.upenn.edu/collections 4/22/2024
Our Collections. Penn Libraries. Books, journals, and other printed and
digital materials join carefully curated artifacts of cultural and human
heritage to advance research and scholarship at Penn and beyond.
www.library.vanderbilt.edu 8/20/2024
www.librarything.com 7/15/2024
www.libreriablazquez.es 2/2/2024 Libreria Guillermo Blázquez. Fundada en
1968, nuestra librería anticuaria está especializada en libros antiguos y raros
y en documentos y manuscritos desde la Edad Media hasta el siglo XIX.
www.libreriadelprado.com 2/2/2024 Librería del Prado. Libros viejos y antiguos
Madrid. Coleccionismo, grabados, mapas y figurines históricos.
www.libreriagarciaprieto.com 2/2/2024 Librería Anticuaria García Prieto.
Realizamos una continua selección de todos los libros que aparecen en el
catálogo así como de los manuscritos, incorporando nuevas adquisiciones
www.libreriaguadalquivir.com.ar 7/6/2024
Guadalquivir. Librería selecta, con un equipo especializado y excelente
disponibilidad bibliográfica entre nuestras propuestas temáticas, así nos
reconocen nuestros clientes.
www.libreriahernandez.com 2/2/2024 Librería Hernandez. Pasión por el libro. La
librería Hernández tiene más de medio siglo. Fundada por Emilce García de
Hernández y Damian Carlos Hernández.
www.libreriaiglesias.com 6/30/2024
Libros. Libreria Iglesias, Palencia.
www.librerialitec.es/es/index.php 1/16/2024 Librería Litec, en Ciudad Real. Amplia
exposición, servicio personalizado y agilidad en el encargo de sus libros.
www.libreriamarini.it 2/2/2024 Studio Bibliografico Marini. Il motore di
ricerca permette di accedere ad un database di circa 50.000 volumi d'arte e
letteratura contemporanee, da documenti e testi originali a cataloghi delle
mostre, cataloghi ragionati, manuali, monografie e saggi.
www.libreriasixto.com 2/2/2024 Librería Sixto. Fundada en el año 1966 y tan
vinculada a la Facultad de Medicina que nació dentro de la misma con un mueble
expositor, situado en el pasillo central de esta Facultad.
www.libreriatralerighe.it 2/2/2024 Libreria Tra le Righe, libreria e bistrot
nel quartiere Trieste a Roma. Corsi, eventi, circoli letterari, spazio bambini
e molto di più.
www.libreriayorick.com 2/2/2024 Libreria Yorick. Fundada en 2001 como
librería virtual, a lo largo de estos tres lustros ha incorporado a su catálogo
más de 7000 libros: textos teatrales, libros de teoría del teatro, técnica
teatral, medicina de la danza, creación escenografía.
www.librosciesas.com 7/6/2024
Libros CIESAS. Todo nuestro catálogo a tu alcance.
www.liceomajorana.edu.it 9/6/2024
9/29/2024 Classic and vintage
cameras in the online Living Image Camera Museum, from the century of
photography, 1900-2000.
www.life.illinois.edu 7/15/2024
Life Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
www.lifewire.com 9/5/2024
Lifewire: Tech News, Reviews, Help & How-Tos. We test and recommend
products, teach you how to use them, and help you fix them when they break.
www.limiteinformativo.com 1/7/2024
Limite Informativo. Portal de Noticias de la Región. Misiones.
www.linaavellaneda.com.ar 1/7/2024
Lina Avellaneda. Cantante, Compositora y Profesora de Canto.
www.lincolnshirelive.co.uk 1/11/2024
www.linguisticsociety.org 1/2/2024
www.lintukuva.fi 9/17/2024
Suomen ja Euroopan linnut kuvissa osin äänten kera. Lintukuvia ja ääniä
Euroopan, Suomen ja lähialueiden lajistosta.
www.linux.com 2/1/2024
Linux is the go-to resource for open source professionals to learn about
the latest in Linux and open source technology, careers, best practices, and
industry trends.
www.linuxfoundation.org 2/1/2024
Linux Foundation. Decentralized innovation, built with trust. Helping
open technology projects build world class open source software, communities
and companies.
www.linuxjournal.com 4/21/2024
Linux Journal. Our mission is to deliver a publication that reflects the
principled approach followed by kernel developers and the tenets of Open Source
www.literaturbuero-rlp.de 5/4/2024
LiteraturBüro e.V. Mainz für Rheinland-Pfalz. Ziel des Vereins ist die
Belebung der Literaturszene in Mainz und Rheinland-Pfalz, die Betreuung von
Autorinnen und Autoren sowie die Vermittlung von Literatur an ein
interessiertes Publikum.
www.literaturhaus.net 5/4/2024
Netzwerk der Literaturhäuser. 1986 entstand in Berlin das erste
deutschsprachige Literaturhaus.
www.lithgowsafmuseum.org.au 1/11/2024
www.litterboxmagazine.com 1/11/2024
www.littleredleaves.com 1/11/2024
www.liveabout.com/international-movies-4688213 10/12/2024 International Movies. Explore the best ones
with this collection, featuring reviews, director and actor profiles, and
international film festival details.
www.livelifeaberdeenshire.org.uk 3/23/2024
www.liverpool.nsw.gov.au 1/11/2024
www.livescience.com 5/15/2024
Live Science. Latest science news and articles for those with curious
minds. Daily discoveries, groundbreaking research and fascinating science
breakthroughs that impact you and the wider world, reported by our expert
www.livsmedelsverket.se 6/9/2024
www.llardelllibre.cat 7/8/2024 La llar del llibre és un lloc de trobada a
Sabadell des dels primers anys del segle XX. El seu naixement es deu al poeta
Joan Sallarés Castells (1893-1971) que va obrir una llibreria a la via Massagué
de Sabadell, a principis dels anys 20.
www.llegeixbarcelona.net 7/8/2024 LlegeixB@rcelona és una iniciativa de la
Biblioteca de l’Ateneu Barcelonès i de les Biblioteques del Districte
www.lleidatur.com/turisme/inici.aspx 2/7/2024
www.llibrerialagralla.cat 7/8/2024 Llibreria La Gralla. Llibreria online de
Granollers. Comprar llibres en català i castellà online. Llibreria online del
Vallés Oriental.
www.llibrerialamemoria.com 7/9/2024 Llibreria la Memòria. A la llibreria la
Memòria trobaràs una molt bona selecció de llibres de narrativa, assaig,
poesia, etc. Som una llibreria independent al barri de Gràcia, a Barcelona.
www.llibrerialamulassa.cat 7/9/2024 Llibreria La Mulassa. Llibreria online de
Vilanova i la Geltrú. Som una llibreria general, però amb grans apostes com el
llibre infantil i juvenil, ja que creiem fermament en la importància de crear
nous lectors.
www.llibresdelmirall.com 7/8/2024 Llibres del Mirall. Libreria antiquària de
Barcelona. Portem més de 20 anys dedicats a la compra venta de llibres de
col·leccionista i primeres edicions.
www.lluisvives.com 2/18/2024
www.loc.gov/collections 2/19/2024
Digital Collections, Available Online. Library of Congress.
9/14/2024 Civil War Maps. Brings
together materials from three premier collections: the Library of Congress
Geography and Map Division, the Virginia Historical Society, and the Library of
9/14/2024 George Washington
Papers. The papers of army officer and first U.S. president George Washington
(1732-1799) held in the Manuscript Division of the Library of Congress
constitute the largest collection of original Washington papers in the world.
www.loc.gov/collections/spanish-american-war-in-motion-pictures 7/23/2024
The Spanish-American War in Motion Pictures.
9/14/2024 World Digital Library.
This collection contains cultural heritage materials gathered during the World
Digital Library (WDL) project, including thousands of items contributed by
partner organizations worldwide as well as content from Library of Congress
www.loc.gov/exhibits/homefront 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/russian/s1a.html 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/scrolls 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/thousand-years-of-the-persian-book/index.html 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/treasures 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/ukiyo-e 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/vatican 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/wcf 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/world 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/exhibits/young 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/film-and-videos/collections 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/flicc 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/free-to-use 7/13/2024 Library of Congress. This page features
items from the Library's digital collections that are free to use and reuse.
www.loc.gov/librarians 8/12/2024 Librarians and Archivists. A portal to
resources at the Library of Congress for librarians and archivists, including
those of interest to students engaged in professional library science,
information studies, or archival training.
www.loc.gov/programs 7/13/2024
www.loc.gov/programs/national-film-preservation-board/resources/public-research-centers-and-archives 1/28/2024
www.loc.gov/programs/poetry-and-literature/about-this-program 3/7/2024
www.loc.gov/research-centers 7/13/2024
9/12/2024 Locarno Film Festival.
Throughout its history, the Locarno Film Festival has occupied a unique
position in the landscape of the major film festivals.
www.loebclassics.com 4/18/2024
www.logbookmag.com 4/21/2024 Logbook magazine. You know, there is a lot of great aviation history out there, a lot of great stories to tell.
www.lonoveracker.com 5/17/2024 Lon J. Overacker nature and scenic landscape photography.
www.loria.fr 8/10/2024
www.losgenoveses.net 9/3/2024
La Página No Oficial del Partido Popular.
www.loud-cry.com 10/17/2024 The Loud Cry. The message of the 4 angels.
The fall of babylon. Come out of her, my people.
www.louisemichelliburuak.net 1/16/2024
Louise Michel Liburuak. Proiektuak jendarte feministago eta bidezkoagoak
bultzatzeko helburua du, horretarako jardu-erak antolatzen eta babesten ditu,
hain zuzen ere, euskarri kulturala eta eraldatzailea duten liburuetan oinarria
www.louisianaliterature.org/press 3/7/2024
www.louisvillereview.org 1/12/2024
www.loweringthebar.net 2/12/2024
Lowering the Bar. Legal Humor. Seriously. Lowering the Bar is—in all
seriousness—a registered trademark of Kevin Underhill. It is written by Kevin
Underhill, who is solely responsible for its content.
www.lpl.arizona.edu 7/13/2024
www.lps.uci.edu 8/10/2024
www.lronhubbard.org 4/14/2024
www.lrpv.gov.lv 7/23/2024
Patentu valde ir tieslietu ministra pārraudzībā esoša tiešās pārvaldes
iestāde ar normatīvajos aktos noteiktu kompetenci rūpnieciskā īpašuma jomā.
www.ls.tum.de/ls/startseite 8/24/2024
www.ls.tum.de/ls/studium 8/24/2024
www.lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/galleries/Exhibits/Byzantium/MainByzantium1.html 1/2/2024
www.lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/galleries/Exhibits/cavafy/cavafy.html 1/2/2024
www.lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/galleries/Exhibits/DangerousArchaeology/MainDangerous.html 1/2/2024
www.lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/galleries/Exhibits/PortalsToEternity/MainPortals.html 1/2/2024
www.lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/galleries/Exhibits/textiles 1/2/2024
www.lsac.org 1/2/2024
www.lsaviron.ch 1/2/2024
www.lsba.org/newintcalc.htm 1/2/2024
www.lsbme.la.gov 1/2/2024
www.lsbu.ac.uk 1/2/2024
www.lsc.gov 1/2/2024
www.lsc.org 1/2/2024
www.lsc-badhomburg.de 1/2/2024
www.lscn.de 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk/CPNSS 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk/european-institute 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk/International-Inequalities 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk/library 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk/library/collection-highlights/The-Womens-Library 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk/philosophy/latest-publications 1/2/2024
www.lse.ac.uk/Research 1/2/2024
8/17/2024 Biblioteken vid Lunds
www.lucastexas.us 4/18/2024
The City of Lucas is a unique city with a lot to offer in Collin County.
Learn more about the city and get access to city services online.
www.luciocollettionlus.it 5/7/2024
www.luckymodel.com 1/11/2024
www.lucy.cam.ac.uk 8/5/2024
www.luhringaugustine.com 2/1/2024
Luhring Augustine. International contemporary as well as late 19th
century painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, photography, and video
www.luigiboccherini.org 4/30/2024
www.luigijannuzzi.com 2/1/2024
Luigi Jannuzzi. Playwright, educator.
www.lulu.com 7/24/2024
www.luminafoundation.org 2/24/2024
www.luminous-lint.com 9/27/2024
9/5/2024 Luxor Art Gallery is a
permanent exhibition space dedicated to promoting local contemporary artists,
and presenting new and international talent, located on the West Bank of Luxor,
www.lwiroprimates.org 9/26/2024
Centre de Rehabilitation des Primates de Lwiro is a chimpanzee and
monkey rehabilitation center in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
www.lycoming.edu/brilliant-corners 1/28/2024