www.sailingscuttlebutt.com 8/11/2024
Scuttlebutt Sailing News provides major sailing news, commentary,
opinions, features and dock talk ... with a North American focus.
www.sait.it 8/18/2024
www.salon.com 7/7/2024
www.saltana.org/porta.html 8/24/2024
Saltana. Revista de literatura i traducció.
www.saltwire.com/nova-scotia 7/13/2024
www.samaelgnosis.net 10/19/2024 Gnosis. Instituto Cultural Quetzalcoatl,
Samael Aun Weor. Gnosis sabiduría inmortal.
www.samalden.info 6/30/2024
Sam Alden. Mi trabajo ha aparecido en The New Yorker, The New York
Times, The Los Angeles Times, Hazlitt, McSweeney's, Juxtapoz, ProPublica,
Buzzfeed, Uncivilized Books, EdSurge, Slate, Urban Outfitters y Cicada
www.sanjuandelurigancho.com 5/7/2024
SJL. El Portal del distrito de San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Peru.
Noticias, Historia, Cultura, Empresas, Servicios y más.
www.sans.edu 10/4/2024
The SANS Technology Institute (SANS) offers career-focused undergraduate
and graduate cyber security programs on the cutting edge of cybersecurity.
www.sanvalero.es 7/26/2024
La Fundación San Valero es una Obra Diocesana de carácter no lucrativo
al servicio de las personas y de la sociedad. El Aprendizaje Cooperativo y el
Aprendizaje Basado en Retos es un punto diferencial en el Centro.
www.sapo.pt 8/28/2024
SAPO. Última hora e notícias de hoje atualizadas ao minuto.
www.sav.sk 7/26/2024
Slovenská akadémia vied vykonáva špičkový základný výskum, dlhodobý
strategický a aplikovaný výskum a vývoj a poskytuje prístup k vedeckej
www.sazp.sk 7/26/2024
Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia. SAŽP. Je odbornou organizáciou
Ministerstva životného prostredia SR s celoslovenskou pôsobnosťou zameranou na
starostlivosť o životné prostredie a tvorbu krajiny v súlade so zásadami trvalo
udržateľného rozvoja.
www.sb.gob.do 7/21/2024
Superintendencia de Bancos de la República Dominicana. Supervisamos las
entidades de intermediación financiera y cambiarias en la República Dominicana;
velamos por los derechos de los usuarios financieros.
www.sbc.edu 6/11/2024
www.sbs.com.au 6/2/2024
www.sc.edu 6/30/2024
www.sc.ehu.es/sbweb/fisica/default.htm 7/26/2024
Física con ordenador. Curso Interactivo de Física en Internet. Ángel
Franco García.
www.scbwi.org 5/15/2024
www.sceptiques.qc.ca 8/20/2024
www.schopenhauer.de 9/13/2024
Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft e. V. Der Zweck der Schopenhauer-Gesellschaft
besteht darin, das Studium und Verständnis der Philosophie Schopenhauers
anzuregen und zu fördern.
www.scicat.org 8/24/2024
SCI Catalunya. Camps de treball i voluntariat internacional. Servei
Civil Internacional de Catalunya.
www.scielo.br 5/12/2024
SciELO – Brasil. Scientific Electronic Library Online.
www.science.org 5/12/2024
Science. AAAS - American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Today, Science continues to publish the very best in research across the
sciences, with articles that consistently rank among the most cited in the
www.science.org/journal/sciadv 9/5/2024
www.sciencealert.com 9/3/2024
ScienceAlert : The Best in Science News And Amazing Breakthroughs.
Publishing independent, fact-checked reporting on health, space, nature,
technology, and the environment.
www.sciencedaily.com 9/29/2024
www.sciencedirect.com 5/12/2024
ScienceDirect is the world's leading source for scientific, technical,
and medical research.
www.sciencedirect.com/journal/drug-and-alcohol-dependence 9/13/2024
Drug and Alcohol Dependence is an international journal devoted to
publishing original research, scholarly reviews, commentaries, and policy
analyses in the area of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and dependence.
www.sciencedirect.com/journal/earth-and-planetary-science-letters 9/19/2024
Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
www.sciencedirect.com/journal/organizational-behavior-and-human-decision-processes 9/13/2024
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes publishes
fundamental research in organizational behavior, organizational psychology, and
human cognition, judgment, and decision-making.
www.sciencefocus.com 10/8/2024 BBC Science Focus Magazine. Science, nature,
technology, Q&As.
www.scienceshumaines.com 9/15/2024
Sciences Humaines, le magazine référence pour comprendre l'humain et la
société à travers l'actualité des sciences humaines et sociales.
www.scientificamerican.com 7/20/2024
www.scientificexploration.org 7/13/2024
www.scotsman.com 6/21/2024
www.scu.edu.au 8/19/2024
www.sdjewishworld.com 10/19/2024 San Diego Jewish World. There is a Jewish
story everywhere!
www.sdu.dk 7/26/2024
Syddansk Universitet. Drevet af en ambition om at fremme de talenter og
forskningsresultater, der udvikler samfundet. SDU er grundlagt i 1966 i en
brydningstid, der prægede kunsten, normer, institutioner - og de højere
www.se.edu 6/23/2024
Southeastern Oklahoma State University provides an environment of
academic excellence that enables students to reach their highest potential.
www.seattle.gov 8/12/2024
City of Seattle.
www.segalcentre.org 7/18/2024
www.segre.com 7/6/2024
www.selvanegra.com 7/21/2024
Selva Negra Ecolodge. Matagalpa – Nicaragua. Nuestro ecolodge cuenta con
una completa oferta de servicios, finca orgánica y cafetera, amigable con las
aves, en las montañas del Norte de Nicaragua.
www.semad.mg.gov.br 7/21/2024
Secretaria de Estado de Meio-Ambiente e Desenv. Sustentável. SEMAD.
www.semana.com 7/21/2024
Semana. Últimas Noticias de Colombia y el Mundo.
www.semanarioargentino.miami/sur 7/6/2024
www.senamirmir.org 9/26/2024
www.senate.be 7/26/2024
Belgische Senaat. Als gevolg van de 6de staatshervorming worden de
meeste senatoren sinds 25 mei 2014 door de parlementen van de gemeenschappen en
gewesten aangeduid.
www.sensesofcinema.com/special-dossiers 9/12/2024
Senses of Cinema. Special Dossiers.
www.seof.fr 7/10/2024
Société d Etudes Ornithologiques de France. Venez nous rejoindre, les
oiseaux ont besoin de vous. Un site pour observer, étudier et protéger ...
notre avifaune.
www.sergas.es 7/26/2024
Consellería de Sanidade. Servizo Galego de Saúde.
www.service-public.fr 10/12/2024
www.ses.fi 9/12/2024
Suomen elokuvasäätiö on perustettu vuonna 1969. Se on itsenäinen säätiö,
joka kuuluu opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön kulttuuripolitiikan toimialan
www.setasysitios.com 10/1/2024
Setas y Sitios. Pagina personal de Francisco Serrano Ezquerra (Paco
www.sffchronicles.com 8/4/2024
www.sfgate.com 5/12/2024
SFGATE. Your San Francisco Bay Area local news source plus the latest in
sports, culture, weather, food and drink, politics, real estate, Lake Tahoe and
California Parks.
www.sfu.ca 6/21/2024
www.shannonassociates.com 4/26/2024
Shannon Associates, a premier creative and literary management agency,
serves the needs of clients in publishing, advertising, entertainment, design,
architecture, and tech.
www.shawnee.edu 5/18/2024
Shawnee State University. We will be a best-value university offering a
wide range of high-quality signature programs.
www.shawnee.edu/areas-study 5/18/2024
Degree Programs & Academics at Shawnee State University. With more
than 100 associate, bachelor, master, and doctorate programs, you can find an
area of study that combines your passions and skills.
www.shazenrazen.com 4/26/2024
Aquarelles de Fred Saurel. Shazenrazen est un lieu peu fréquenté, situé
à égale distance de la Provence et de l'Asie, un peu à l'ecart des grandes
routes commerciales.
www.shearsman.com 10/28/2024
www.shelleyberman.com 8/11/2024
Sheldon Leonard Berman (1925–2017) was an American comedian, actor,
writer, teacher, and lecturer.
www.shelleyking.com 8/11/2024
Shelley King Music.
www.shelsilverstein.com 4/26/2024
Shel Silverstein’s children’s books, stories, poetry, illustrations, fun
activities for kids, and teaching resources.
www.sheltercovefishinglodge.com 8/11/2024
Shelter Cove Lodge. Southeast Alaska Fishing Lodge Prince of Wales
www.shopofphantoms.com 7/26/2024
Das Haus der Phantome wurde aus unserem eigenen AirDOC-Verlag und
Wingman-Modellen geboren und für das absolute Phantom „Phan“ geschaffen, das
nicht genug von der F-4 Phantom bekommen kann!
www.si.edu/OpenAccess 8/14/2024
www.sib.swiss 4/27/2024
www.sierracollege.edu 6/23/2024
Sierra College. Our college serves more than 18,000 students each year
at campuses and centers in Rocklin, Roseville, Grass Valley, and Tahoe-Truckee.
www.sightseeingpass.com 8/13/2024
www.sigmaaldrich.com 7/26/2024
Merck. Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der unsere innovativen Produkte,
Services und digitalen Angebote dazu beitragen, Lösungen für alle Menschen zu
entwickeln und eine nachhaltige Zukunft für kommende Generationen zu gestalten.
www.signaturebooks.com 7/5/2024
Signature Books. Signature Books is committed to expanding the scope of
Mormon studies and to enhancing opportunities for creative and scholarly
www.sil.org 7/24/2024
www.simiansociety.org 9/5/2024
www.simonsfoundation.org 8/11/2024
Advancing Research in Basic Science and Mathematics. The Simons
Foundation’s mission is to advance the frontiers of research in mathematics and
the basic sciences.
www.skepsis.fi 8/20/2024
www.skepsis.no 7/13/2024
www.skepticfriends.org 8/20/2024
www.skepticreport.com 9/2/2024
www.skype.com 9/27/2024
Skype. Stay connected with free video calls worldwide.
www.slantmagazine.com 5/12/2024
Slant Magazine. Using a grassroots approach, the site has carved a
unique niche for itself in the world of film, music, and beyond.
www.slu.se 6/3/2024
www.slumberlandrecords.com 6/8/2024
www.slussenspensionat.se 6/8/2024
www.sluzbazdrowia.com.pl 6/8/2024
www.slv.vic.gov.au 6/9/2024
www.slvwd.com 6/9/2024
www.sm.ee 6/9/2024
www.smaabaadsklub.dk 6/9/2024
www.sma-aero-engines.com 6/9/2024
www.smaalenene.no 6/9/2024
www.smaalenene.no/magasinet 6/9/2024
www.smaczny.pl 6/9/2024
www.smakdab.com 6/9/2024
www.smalfilmmuseum.nl 6/9/2024
www.smallarmssurvey.org 6/9/2024
www.smashingmagazine.com 5/12/2024
Smashing Magazine. For Web Designers And Developers.
www.smb.museum/home 7/26/2024
Die Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin bilden mit ihren über Generationen
gewachsenen Einrichtungen ein Universalmuseum zur Bewahrung, Erforschung und
Vermittlung von Kunst- und Kulturschätzen der gesamten Menschheitsgeschichte.
www.smh.com.au 7/20/2024
www.smithsonianmag.com 6/30/2024
www.smith-wesson.com 5/18/2024
www.smitty.ai 5/18/2024
www.smli.org 5/18/2024
www.smm.cn 5/18/2024
www.smplanet.com 8/11/2024
Small Planet Communications, Inc. With our unique combination of
content-area and technical expertise, we develop learning materials for global,
national, and regional educational markets.
www.snopes.com 8/20/2024
www.socialeurope.eu 9/15/2024
Social Europe. The mission of Social Europe (SE) is to strengthen
democracy by discussing solutions to the most pressing political, economic and
social issues of our time.
www.softcatala.org 8/24/2024
Softcatalà. Informàtica i programari en català.
www.sonomacounty.com 4/27/2024
Sonoma County Tourism. Life Opens Up in Sonoma County, just 30 miles
north of San Francisco. Acclaimed food and wine, relaxing spas and stunning
beauty create a Wine Country experience like no other.
www.sopadesapo.com 9/10/2024
Sopa de Sapo. Librería infantil. Haur Liburudenda.
www.sopagraphics.com 8/28/2024
Sopagraphics. Disseny gràfic i web. Lleida. Barcelona.
www.sorenkierkegaard.org 9/14/2024
D. Anthony Storm's Commentary on Kierkegaard. An online commentary on
all of Kierkegaard's writings with supplemental materials.
www.sos.org.uk 2/8/2024
The Sussex Ornithological Society. Formed in 1962 by a small group of
young people, the Sussex Ornithological Society has grown to become one of the
largest county bird clubs in Great Britain with a current membership of around
www.sos.state.tx.us/index.shtml 8/11/2024
The Secretary of State is one of six state officials named by the Texas
Constitution to form the Executive Department of the State.
www.sosbrutalism.org 7/14/2024
www.sosossospirineu.org 8/24/2024
L’ós Bru, un mamífer restablert als Pirineus amb mesures de conservació
www.southalabama.edu 8/11/2024
The University of South Alabama is a comprehensive research university
along the Alabama Gulf Coast.
www.southampton.ac.uk 9/2/2024
University of Southampton. As a global top 100 university, our expert
academics and wide range of study options will help you achieve your goals.
www.southbankcentre.co.uk 9/3/2024
Southbank Centre. The largest arts centre in the UK, we’ve been the
beating heart of London’s cultural life since 1951. An engine of creativity,
we’re home to art and culture that brings people together
9/29/2024 Советские
9/29/2024 Soviet and Russian
www.sovraintendenzaroma.it 7/23/2024
La Sovrintendenza Capitolina gestisce, mantiene, valorizza i beni
archeologici, storico-artistici e monumentali di proprietà di Roma Capitale.
www.spanisharts.com 7/26/2024
The history of the Spanish Arts: literature, music, painting,
architecture and the spanish artist.
www.spectator.co.uk 5/7/2024
www.spektrum.de 9/11/2024
Spektrum. Experten aus Wissenschaft und Forschung berichten über die
aktuellen Erkenntnisse ihrer Fachgebiete - kompetent, authentisch und
www.spiceworks.com 10/4/2024 Business and Industry News, Analysis and
Expert Insights. Spiceworks.
www.spiked-online.com 5/7/2024
www.spirou.com 4/26/2024
Spirou. 52 pages de bande dessinée inédites chaque semaine, depuis 1938.
Des séries à suivre en primeur, des gags, des reportages, un lieu de création.
www.spitfiresociety.org 7/5/2024
The Spitfire Society. Founded in March 1984 by the late Group Captain
David Green. Its original purpose was to link people throughout the world whose
lives had been effected by the legendary Spitfire aeroplane.
www.splashpageart.com 7/3/2024
Splash Page Comic Art is an original art representative and dealer,
owned by Mark Hay, who specializes in selling original comic art by modern era
www.spokanetribe.com 8/22/2024
Spokane Tribe of Indians. Improving the lives of our Members.
www.sporttv.pt 6/2/2024
www.springer.com 8/21/2024
Springer. International Publisher Science, Technology, Medicine. With
more than 2,900 journals and 300,000 books, Springer offers many opportunities
for authors, customers and partners.
www.sq.gouv.qc.ca 9/14/2024
www.sqlservercentral.com/blogs 8/19/2024
www.sshrc-crsh.gc.ca/home-accueil-eng.aspx 7/21/2024
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) is the
federal research funding agency that promotes and supports research and
training in the humanities and social sciences.
www.staatsbosbeheer.nl 7/15/2024
www.staatsgalerie.de 7/15/2024
www.staatsoper.de 7/15/2024
www.staatsoper-berlin.de 7/15/2024
www.staatsrechtkring.nl 7/15/2024
www.staatsspaanselinies.eu 7/15/2024
www.staatstheater.bayern.de 7/15/2024
www.staatstheater-stuttgart.de 7/15/2024
www.stabenow.com 7/15/2024
www.stac.aviation-civile.gouv.fr 7/15/2024
www.stacc.info 7/15/2024
www.stack.com 7/15/2024
www.stacken.kth.se 7/15/2024
www.stackpolebooks.com 7/15/2024
www.stacyontheright.com 7/15/2024
www.stade-de-reims.com 7/15/2024
www.staderochelais.com 7/15/2024
www.stadministrativo.pt 7/15/2024
www.stadskartan.se 7/15/2024
www.stadsmuseumwoerden.nl 7/15/2024
www.stadt.sg.ch/home.html 7/15/2024
www.stadtarchiv.goettingen.de 7/15/2024
www.stadtarchiv.goettingen.de/texte/gedenktafeln.htm 7/15/2024
www.st-andrews.ac.uk 9/23/2024
www.starj.com 8/11/2024
Hillsboro Star-Journal, covering news and sports in Marion County,
Kansas, including the communities of Durham, Goessel, Hillsboro and Lehigh and
the Durham-Hillsboro-Lehigh USD 410 and Goessel USD 411 school districts.
www.starkstate.edu 8/11/2024
Stark State College is a community college offering affordable and
transferable education. The College provides quality, high-value associate
degrees, certificates, and professional development in a diverse,
student-centered learning environment.
www.state.gov/blogs 7/20/2024
www.state.gov/countries-areas/antigua-and-barbuda 7/21/2024
Antigua and Barbuda. United States Department of State.
www.statesman.com/westlake 7/17/2024
www.stationmarinedeconcarneau.fr 7/23/2024
La Station marine de Concarneau est la plus ancienne station au monde
encore en activité.
www.steeleozone.com 6/3/2024
www.steelworks.us 9/11/2024
www.steenuil.nl 5/9/2024 Stone is een landelijke werkgroep die steenuilenbescherming en -onderzoek coördineert, stimuleert en faciliteert.
www.steiner-verlag.de 7/26/2024 Franz Steiner Verlags: Ihr Verlag für Geisteswissenschaften von der Antike bis zur Zeitgeschichte.
www.steveadamsillustration.com 4/26/2024
Steve Adams. Inspired by the world around him, Steve Adams gives life to
various illustration projects with imagination and creativity.
www.sthelens.gov.uk 7/5/2024
St Helens Borough Council. Online services for residents, businesses and
visitors to St Helens Borough.
www.sti.nasa.gov 8/19/2024
NASA STI Compliance and Distribution Services manages a world-class
collection of metadata records, full-text documents, and videos created or
funded by NASA.
www.stibbe.com 7/15/2024
www.stirling.gov.uk 9/2/2024
Stirling Council.
www.stlawu.edu 8/31/2024
St. Lawrence University. We’re a community of passionate changemakers, a
place where students ask big questions and seek out solutions to today’s
biggest challenges.
www.stork.com 6/30/2024
www.stormfront.org/forum 6/30/2024
www.straightdope.com 9/14/2024
The Straight Dope. Fighting ignorance since 1973. (It’s taking longer
than we thought.)
www.strayalpha.com 5/18/2024
Joseph Touch, Ph.D. Temporal epistemologist. StrayAlpha. Ideas with
www.studenti.it 10/8/2024
Maturità. Appunti, guide, temi svolti e tesine per prepararsi alla
Maturità, all’esame di terza media e ai test di ingresso universitari e di
www.studiesweekly.com 8/11/2024
Studies Weekly is a leading provider of standards-based K–8 core
curriculum in social studies, science and wellness.
www.studiojsa.com 7/19/2024
Jason Shawn Alexander is an artist/writer, having worked in comics for
over twenty years receiving 7 Eisner Award nominations and the Silver Medal
from the Society of Illustrators.
www.stura.uni-heidelberg.de 7/31/2024
Studierendenrat der Universität Heidelberg.
www.sturgillsimpson.com 5/18/2024
The official website of Sturgill Simpson.
www.stvincent.edu 10/11/2024
www.sub.uni-hamburg.de/startseite.html 9/19/2024
Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg Carl von Ossietzky.
www.sun-sentinel.com 7/20/2024
www.superxv.com/stormers 6/30/2024
www.surdoc.cl 9/14/2024
www.surefire.com 9/14/2024
www.surenio.com.ar 9/14/2024
www.surfair.com 9/14/2024
www.surfcityparacord.com 9/14/2024
www.surfer.com 9/14/2024
www.surferjoe.it 9/14/2024
www.surfingmuseum.org 9/14/2024
www.surfline.com 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/angola.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/bangladesh.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/kenya.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/madagascar.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/mali.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/mozambique.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/niger.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/senegal.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/country/singapore.html 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/japan.htm 9/14/2024
www.surfmusic.de/niederl.htm 9/14/2024
www.surfmusik.de 9/14/2024