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De escritores.

  • America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between. Oscar Wilde.

  • Cuando la ansiedad me hacía sentir un fracasado, un escritor que no había llegado a la meta, para consolarme siempre recordaba lo que había dicho Borges: “Todos caminamos hacia el anonimato, solo que los mediocres llegan un poco antes”». Manuel Vicent.

  • If your mother says she loves you, check it out. Seymour M. Hersh (Reporter: A Memoir. Published by Vintage - 2019).

  • Muchachas que algún día leáis emocionadas estos versos y soñéis con un poeta: sabed que yo los hice para una como vosotras y que fue en vano. Ernesto Cardenal.

Micology.   9/7/2024   Asmicas. La Asociación Micológica de Castellón la formamos un grupo heterogéneo de personas con una serie de nexos comunes. La pasión y respeto por la naturaleza en general y , en concreto, por la micología.   9/7/2024   Biota of New Zealand. Names and classification of bacteria, fungi, land invertebrates and plants.   9/7/2024   Illinois Natural History Survey (ILLS) Fungarium. Illinois Natural History Survey. Prairie Research Institute.   9/7/2024   The Illinois Mycological Association is a group of fungal enthusiasts that meets frequently to learn about fungi through talks presented by experts, and to look for, identify and document wild fungi.   9/7/2024   Mycopathologia is an international, peer-reviewed journal focused on important developments concerning medically important fungi and fungal diseases.   9/7/2024   Micología. MacroNaturaleza.   9/7/2024   The Mushroom Growers’ Newsletter. Serving Mushroom Growers Since 1992. The Mushroom Growers’ Newsletter Has Ceased Publication!   9/6/2024   MycoLogical Natural Products. Today, MycoLogical has expanded its product offerings to include dried chiles and additional wild and organically grown specialty food ingredients.   9/6/2024   Mushroom growing supplies, tools and equipment. Myco Supply. Everything you need to get growing.   9/7/2024   Amanitaceae. Taxonomy and Morphology of Amanita and Limacella.   9/7/2024   Psychoactive Plants & Fungi. Plants listed in this section are those which have been used by humans for their mind- or emotion-altering properties.   9/7/2024   Asociación Botánica y Micológica de Jaén. Nuestro objetivo final es el disfrute racional de la naturaleza en los aspectos botánico y micológico, con el más profundo respeto a su conservación.   9/7/2024   MushroomExpert. I'm Michael Kuo, the developer of MushroomExpert. I'm a retired English teacher and an amateur mycologist, based in Ohio.   9/6/2024   Le Cercle des Mycologues de Montréal regroupe des personnes qui sont animées des mêmes buts : promouvoir l’étude et la connaissance des champignons, plus particulièrement les champignons sauvages de nos contrées.   9/7/2024   The Mycology Collections data Portal is more than just a web site - it is a suite of user-friendly, web-based data access technologies to aid taxonomists, field biologists, ecologists, educators, and citizen scientists in the study of fungal diversity.   9/7/2024   Mycotaxon, the international journal of fungal taxonomy and nomenclature, is no longer active. We ended our 50-year run with our last issue, volume 137 number 4, on November 11, 2024.   9/7/2024   VICAM. With a comprehensive product line vetted by industry leaders and trusted by customers in more than 100 countries, VICAM is the global provider of choice for next-generation food safety technology and rapid mycotoxin testing solutions."